i once tried to upgrade to 6.5 on my parents xp desktop, but something gave it a virus(they were pissed

). can someone give me
CLEAR instructions and a
VIRUS FREE way to do it on my vista laptop( im currently locked out of the desktop, and if my laptop gets a virus, i wont see it again, and i need it for college). i would like to know what the latest build is( prefferably with m2d, opera, and .net 3.5). i have scoured the depths of the internet for the latest build, and it keeps running me in circles(cant find any links).

i am using a samsung omnia I910 from verizon. i have heard there is not going to be an official ROM update for it(to 6.5, i mean), but if i am mistaken, please let me know.i have more questions, but i dont want to make this thread longer than it already is, so please help me out. also, i would like a rom that is the closest to the official 6.5(say, for the diamond2/ touch pro 2 , for example).
Thanks in advance,
(by the way, im using the verizon cf03 rom at the moment)