Even Sprint's plans don't compare to SERO.
450 minutes - $39.99
Power Vision - $15 (minimum)
300 txt - $5
TEP - $7
Totalling to $67/month compared to the $37 on SERO.
I would honestly also call into customer retentions and have them work out a deal for you to stay. I'm not sure what type of "snafu" cost you $500 but maybe just try to get them to give you a credit on your bill.
Compaq H3650 --> Handspring 600 (Sprint) --> HTC 6600 (Sprint) --> Dell Axim X51v --> HTC Mogul (Sprint) --> HTC Touch (Sprint) --> HTC Diamond (Sprint) --> HTC Touch Pro (Sprint) --> Palm Pre (Sprint) --> HTC Touch Pro 2 (Sprint)