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Old 10-07-2009, 12:30 AM
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Re: Returned My TP 2

Originally Posted by ClevelandWheeler View Post
I agree I still have my Treo 700wx, use it for haven't found out what to do with my TP1 yet. Feel bad he got rid of it but no phone is going to make EVERYONE happy.

I liked the phone a lot. But I talk on the phone a bunch and when I get into my car my phone transfers to my car speakers and I can turn on the gamin xt software and get somewhere all at the same time only pushing the gamin program button. When I leave the car the phone transfers without pushing a button.

I could not do this with the touch pro 2. Drives me crazy that my mogul does it all flawlessly and the new phone I paid $450 for can't. So I figured return it until the bugs are fixed and maybe get a better price on it after enough people burn Sprint for their high price. In the mean time I get stuck with a crappy screen but a phone that works more to suit my actual phone usage needs. It is hard to get used to the bad screen again. The Touch Pro 2 screen was awsome.
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