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Old 10-06-2009, 11:16 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090922H (23052.5.3.0) [UC]

Originally Posted by Mega-Japan View Post
Sorry to say this, and I mean no offense, but I don't like this rom.
-First, the Sprint Picture Mail installs but it doesn't work. Can neither send or receive pictures.
-Camera mode for Contacts Pictures has a bug. Sometimes it would show up, most of the time doesn't. Screen would go landscape even though the phone is upright and the picture would be rotated 90° clockwise.
-There was also the problem when sending txt messages, but that was fixed by doing the thing with the Registry, even though I also had to reset the skin.
-This Opera Mobile version does not support flash when the one in Juicy 7 had it, and the zooming wheel doesn't work on it either.
-There's also yet another bug that does not let bookmarks work properly (though after reading post above, seems like it has a fix).
-At times, phone will freeze even though I'm not running more than 1 app, and forced to soft-reset.
-And although I'm not sure whether this is the ROM's fault or not, some games that worked on the stock Sprint ROM simply don't work on this one, no idea what the problem could be.
-Long messages, instead of being split into multiple messages, are simply cut off. Only the 1st message is shown.
-Oh, also, neither YouTube, OCZ Messenger, AIM Mobile, or Windows Marketplace work.

I am definitely having the same problem with Opera, Windows Marketplace and AIM (I'm getting an error: "Authentication server error 1359".
I've also experience issues with the phone freezing, but it seems to me that it "wakes up" after about 10-15 seconds, I've only encountered this when using the soft keyboard though.

I don't suppose anyone knows where I can find a version Opera Mobile that works properly with the zooming.
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