Leo has a pretty narrow bezel around its 4.3" screen. It might be more pocketable than number suggests.
Originally Posted by Dragon2
So the Htc Leo Has a 4.3 inch screen which is the same size as the SONY PSP... Well I decided to make some size comparison of my sons PSP to my Touch Pro 2....
1st pic is The cutout from the touch pro 2s 3.6 inch screen on top of the PSPs 4.3 inch screen.....
2nd pic is My Tmobile touch Pro 2 next to The psp/leo size screen....
My opinion is the touch pro 2 screen is plenty enough for me and the HTC leos screen will be too much making it a monster, that thing would feel crazy in the pocket......
What yall think, is it too big???????? It is for me, 3.6 is plenty....... But i do want the other specs on it.......