I have been dealing with ecare for the last week.
First i was told to take it to a shop to see if the bluetooth was f-ed up.
Second i was told that if it was f-ed up then the store should exchange my 6800 for a touch.
third, i was told at the sprint shop that they would not trade out my 6800 for the touch.
fourth, i called retentions to see if they could help, was told that i could get a 75 dollar credit on the $500 touch. If that did not satisfy me then i should call htc to get the phone exchanged.
fifth, I called htc and was told to call the rma department in the morning.
6th, i called the rma department at htc, which said that i should talk with the tech dept.
7th, talked with the tech dept and was told that yes there is an issue with the bluetooth and i should call the rma department in 2 weeks for a fix.
8th, i emailed ccare again telling them about the obvious issues with the bt and that since they said if the bt was the issue then it should be exchanged.
9th, ccare now says that there is a bt fix coming in 08 and that i should use the corded headset untill it comes out.
10th, i contact ecare and say, i would be willing to take the touch at the $299.99 price on sprints web site.
11th, ecare will only allow me to purchase the phone at 424.99 but with a $100 mail in rebate.
12th, i emailed them back stating that i will take the touch if they only charge $324.99 to my account.
waiting and fully f-ing frustrated.
anybody want to buy a slightly used 6800.....