Originally Posted by m_reyna_16
i have never used this type of kitchen, i know how to select what phone, xip, sys, etc.. what i dont know how to do is select what oems i want! if i enable group, that will enable oems that i dont want! also, i need to select the real 6.5 option too right?
Originally Posted by geotravelcat
Not sure if you got the answer you needed but within each group you can select and deselect by double clicking an individual line item. Say you want to enable facebook and disable YouTube, select one, double click and it will become the opposite of what is was (true or false). Hope this helps. Have fun cooking 
Originally Posted by m_reyna_16
what?!?!?! just like that???!!! not only do i feel stupid asking but i also think to myself why did i have to ask twice if it was just as simple of an answer as this?
That's because you can't double click on OEM's to add or remove them in the kitchen. It's not that simple. I haven't added or removed OEM's yet, so I don't have the answer for you. Maybe Calk can chime in with a quickie answer. I am researching though. Noob cook here.