OK here is a twist.
I pulled out from home the other day, and i saw a VW NB, probably a diesel....dripping oil and burning, pulled to the roadside, and people running about..
I was running in a hurry, and i didn't have an extinguisher...so i tried to call 911 on my xv6800.
Nothing happened.
The phone froze for like, 60 seconds, then resumed.
I tried again. again the phone froze.
Is this related to the ROM? radio?
Is this normal?
btw, when i came back, the small, dripping flames had burnt the car crispy....no sign of fire truck or police.
the windows were burned out, the smoke running over the top, blackening it...
inside totally burnt out...it was only like 20 minutes later when i went by again.
but i couldn't call 911 for help.