Originally Posted by Automaton
Try this link
It's how I got my TP in place of my Mogul. One of the last steps will show you what you are sending in and what they will send you back. If it isn't a TP2, then you can cancel the transaction and try again later.
I have a legit issue with my phone. I have the oil under the screen issue and the local store isnt much help. I tried going this route but in the end it just refers me back to the one and only sprint repair center i have in town.
Sprints only solution was to have me claim through asurion and they would reimburse me the deductible. Its a solution and its fair and all but the one issue I have is that I have used 2 of my 3 claims you are allowed with asurion. I used one when I broke my phone screen and once when I jumped in a pool to get my daughter out. So if I go asurion route this time I risk not having insurance coverage until may 2010.