Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2
This ROM looks fantastic and my god it's lightening fast Excellent Work NRG!!!
Now that is said. This next part will get me chopped into little pieces and fed to the wolves but I have to.
Like I said before this is an unbelievably fast and great looking ROM.
So everyone please remember I am not b$!chen about it!!!
My question is (I know youve all heard it a thousand times before)
What in the ROM causes me to lose 1% battery life for every minute that the phone is on?
Even with lumos installed and no data connection present and hardly anything running.
Within 10 min after flashing this ROM my battery dropped from 100% down to 80%
And yes yes yes I know the speed will drop battery life but come on...that fast?
This is a question as I said before I am not dogging the ROM because like I said before its awesome. I just need more battery life and want to know if there is settings I can change