Originally Posted by docnas
Guys im a relative newcomer to the touch pro only been a month or so but so far ive come to the conclusion that the phone is unusable because of the astronomical autofocus delay by the time it takes the pic the person or object has moved.
My question ( after vigorous searching ) is
1) Has anyone found a way to disable the autofocus( my old 8125 or my mogul didnt have an autofocus feature and it worked fine most of the time had good pictures)
2) If there is no way to disable the autofocus in the current camera app is it possible to use the camera app from a previous version of windows mobile ( like the one from the vouge or the one they were using on the mogul)? i mean since those didnt have the autofocus feature (since the phone didnt have it) im guessing the app didnt have the ability to autofocus hence might skip over tht step if used in the Touch pro.
any help or ideas would be welcome and if im just talkin pie in the sky kinda ideas well someones gotta ask the stupid questions.
Try going to camera settings,Advanced, Shoot Options and change to "Full Press".
It does not disable the auto-focus, but it considerably speeds up the shooting process.
Also the lower the light level of the picture you are taking, the longer it takes to auto-focus.