Re: Should I switch to Verison for the O2? Dead horse I know.
I have both VZW for my Omnia and Sprint for a regular phone, which I'm going to upgrading to the Diamond in the near future. The best part of VZW is the phone prices, much better than sprint. As far as the insurance through VZW, when I've paid the deductible for a damaged phone, I get an entirely new phone, battery, etc brand new in box, rather than having to buy one on E-bay and hope it's decent. Cust service is much better w/ Sprint and you can add TEP insurance to even a used phone w/ Sprint, can't do that with Verizon, not to mention sprint's phone/data prices for family share plans are much better than VZW. However...Sprint doesn't have the Omnia which IMO is the best PPC on the market right now.