Should I switch to Verison for the O2? Dead horse I know.
Is the O2 worth switch from Sprint to Verizon.
Current Family plan with 2 lines.
1500 anytime minuts
Mobil 2 Mobil
Nights and weekends 7pm
Unlimited Text and Pics
Unlimited Data
15% discount
Total bill after discount and tax $140
Thinking of upgrading to the Touch Pro 2 over my current Touch pro. I know the upgrad is only a bigger screen and slightly faster phone considering touch flow is built in. However compared to the Omnia 2 specs the TP2 is a paper weight. I think a Verizon plan similar to my current plan would cost me $180 without discount and after taxes.
What do you all think of your current Omnia and did you ever have a touch pro.
I would like to add, I am very happy with my Sprint service and also like how their insurance plans work. I like swaping my phone for free if it acts up. I am worried switching to Verizon will upset me. I dont like how they seem to downgrade their phones and I dont like their "we want to own you and rule the world" attitude lol. Flam suit on!
Anyway the Omnia 2 is a awesome phone, lucky you guys! Not sure what I will do though.