thinking of switching from sprint to VZW (again)
I am considering jumping back to VZW, they have inferior touch pro's, but the Omnia looks attractive. I was wondering what the development scene is like for the Omnia. With the TP there are only about a hundred different kitchens and a wealth of information. I have not seen much about cooking for the Omnia. Ever since I found fingerkeyboard, I have rarely felt the need to use the hard keyboard on my sprint TP, so I feel I do not require a hard keyboard anymore. I like the screen size of the omnia, making fingerkeyboard even easier to use on that larger screen. What are your thoughts? Plus I have been turned on to the Omnia 2 whenever VZW gets it... Sprint is not cutting it for me, network is nowhere near as robust as VZW and customer service, well that's awful. Plus I have abysmal signal strength in my apartment. Anyway, whoever has an omnia, please tell me how it is to cook for it and stuff? I have come to realize with phones, as long as it runs WM, it can do what I need it to. Thanks!