I also finally switched from Verizon for this phone. Not so much FOR this phone, but because Verizon's PDA offerings are so old, and their new ones keep getting delayed. I came from a Palm 700p, which was buggy from the day it was released like a year and a half ago, and they still haven't gotten it right. I waited for the 755p, that didn't come, so I waited for the 6800, that didn't come, so I finally gave up. Their Windows Mobile offerings are now two generations behind AT&T, and I've already had my Tilt a month and no 6800 yet. I don't mind paying them my ETF, just to get them out of my life.
I have found that AT&T's coverage, while not as good for voice, is sufficient, and the data is much better. Believe me, it took a LOT for me to trust AT&T's coverage, which was atrocious when last I had them five years ago. Verizon had to be really, really incompetent to get me to that point, and so far I feel really good that I finally gave ATT another try.