Originally Posted by 1Rider
i needed to prepare my phone to ship back to sprint and wanted to revert everything back to stock.
I accidently flashed a stock sprint dumped rom, then flashed a relocker on the tpro. Now its stuck in the unbootable cycle red/green/blue screen.
I was supposed to flash a STOCK SHIPPED rom, but i couldn't find a stock rom as a standalone .nbh file
i only saw .exe ones that flash via usb cable.
but my usb port on the phone is defective/unresponsive (cannot hookup to a/c charger nor usb cable to computer)
now i can only flash via SDcard.
Is there anyway out of it?
I looked at mtty, but since the usb is broken i don't know what to do now.
it might be uploaded somewhere else, but i have the shipped stock sprint nbh
oh well... give me a few and i'll upload it