Re: JD 2.01-lr3 082009 (23031) (new 23036 beta1 post 5 082609)
Originally Posted by quadjacks
Well having a VZW machine, the eye candied ROMs are very sluggish So i've gotten use to having 50-60 Rams free.
So what do you mean by "Old 6.5 UI", aren't you using the latest of all? or is DCD?
for now I am but some don't like the new User Interface and what I mean by stability I plan on updating frequently when these new builds come out like how I did when I was making the very first 6.5 roms so if you want something firm DCD will be the way to go
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I