Originally Posted by Gilliland
It's comical. The mogul is the most useful phone I've ever owned. I've got the 2.16 ROM installed, and by and large, it's working fine. Bluetooth works well, no problems at all. In more than a week with the new ROM, it has never "turned itself off". And I've gone in and out of roaming without any lockups, so that doesn't appear to be an issue either.
See, that's just obnoxious and arrogant.
Look, a lot of people here are having problems. Maybe you don't, and that's cool, I'm really happy for you... but you can't possibly tell us to chill just because YOURS is ok!! I tried the 2.16 ROM for a day and it locked up no less than 7 times. I missed many business phone calls, and an urgent text from a family member. If we were in your situation we wouldn't complain, but clearly we're not. So have some respect and maybe a little sympathy for those of us who dropped a lot of money on something that doesn't work as it should.
And don't give me this "be happy with what we have" garbage... I've owned 5 PDA-phones over the last few years, and all of them were more stable than the Mogul. Sprint always seems to have these problems (6700 had issues as well)- when I was on GSM, all my HTC phones just worked that way they should... they didn't freeze, bluetooth sounded great, everything just worked!
So, no, this shouldn't just be "accepted for what it is"... there is some kind of incompetence at work with Sprint, and if we don't complain they'll just get lazier and think they can get away with it.
Now, that being said, I've been building my own custom ROMs with the help of some of the other folks here so my device is almost perfect, which is why I haven't complained much until now. But I shouldn't be REQUIRED to do that for a working device.
I do agree that voicing our opinions in this forum is useless, which is why I generally don't do it. In fact, I'm pretty happy with the Mogul, so I actually wasn't going to complain at all until I saw your post.
I mean, that's just the wrong attitude, dude. Friggin weak.
Those of us who DO have problems, however, should be contacting sprint and saying this is unacceptable to charge so much for a phone that doesn't work correctly yet (when other devices have proven that Windows Mobile is perfectly capable of operating correctly!). Call and raise hell. My phone works because of things I did to it, but I'm still supporting the cause.