Originally Posted by redz1234
So tonight I was browsing the net and stumbled upon pictures of the Touch Pro2 from other carriers. I was blown away to see HTC made so many drastic changes for carrier customizations. I compiled a list to the best of my ability of pictures I was able to dig up online..
Now some of these providers haven't even released the phone yet so the pictures might be fake but like I said I tried my best. If you find any more pictures please post...
AT&T Touch Pro2
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SPRINT Touch Pro2
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TELUS Touch Pro2
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T-MOBILE Touch Pro2
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VERIZON Touch Pro2
theres not really drastic changes IMO... the back covers are all diff mostly and ATT did jack up their keyboard it looks like... that TMO one does look rather sickly though...
Originally Posted by p-slim
Now everyone gets the 3.5 jack
not everyone... HTCs stand alone branded TP2 doesnt have 3.5 jack and neither does TMO i thought