Originally Posted by 1999TL
2.03 is the ****. Anybody have a cab or instructions on how to activate the sms count?
I need to create a setup.dll that stops tmail.exe and poutlook.exe before overwriting thread_sms.htm and compose_sms.htm in order to properly cab the count removal. When that is done, the ROM default will be to include the count. I have no idea when I will have time to do this. In the meantime, I just removed it in the kitchen. It's not really how I want to do it, but was quick.
Originally Posted by sudermatt
No Classic Black Theme?
It can cause some weird behavior on 6.5 so I removed it.
Originally Posted by quadjacks
so since we got the kitchen in version 2.00. is there a tutorial for putting 2.03 in the kitchen to cook?
sorry, this can't be done
Originally Posted by viper8u2
Text works fine but not MMS. This cab works for all other roms though
I can take a guess at why it doesn't work but don't have time to fix it today, I probably need to change your carrier cab. Could another VZW user please confirm this one?
Originally Posted by jthomas8946
Does anyone know how to make the sym button on the hardware keyboard work again for the symbols? Thanks!
I will need to update the XT9 or ezinput cab to remove the current PIE mapping. XT9/EZInput restores the SYM button functionality, but the custom keypad driver is processing the keypress first.
Originally Posted by isdnmatt
delay and locking up when sending, receiving, viewing txt messages. I have tried all your ROMs, and 1.07 is most bearable.
I do not see this behavior at all, so I suspect it is a result of something you are installing. Or, maybe you are pulling in a bunch of text messages with pimbackup? Try without doing that.
Originally Posted by m_reyna_16
is there maybee a link where someone is posting the updated cabs?
Originally Posted by Rourke Swift
It's also happened to me on Juicy, Mighty, and Indagroove's more recent ROMs, so I sorta suspect it's a problem in the newer 6.5 builds.
I agree that I need to revert to COM2 for several reasons - but Juicy still runs COM2 as far as I'm aware - and I'd rather not go back further, if I don't have to..
Originally Posted by blazin-asian
how can i get ICS to show DATA instead of Sprint on 0.96 rom? the htc router doesnt seem to be working and i think that might be the culprit.
what is htc router? what is the difference in DATA and Sprint? you lost me.