Originally Posted by mcmilliron
Hey guys,
So I've been told by people on this board that there will be no official 6.5 Rom upgrade for my i910 so I have decided I am just going to have to bite the bullet and flash to an unofficial 6.5 ROM. So here are my questions
1. Has the final version of 6.5 been leaked yet or is it yet to come? If it hasn't been leaked, will the final version likely run smoother than the latest build available?
2. I am not intersted in M2d or Mobile Shell (I already have MS3 and I hate the way it looks, plus, there is no "tasks" plugin for the today screen). I just want a standard version of 6.5. Is a standard version available or have they all been tweaked?
3. Who makes the most stable 6.5 build available? How stable is it really? With the native 6.1 OS I rarely have to soft reset my phone. Is the same true for cooked 6.5 Roms? I've read that some people are experiencing lots of hanging and freezing.
4. Do any of the cooked 6.5 ROMs include Opera? I hate all other browsers.
5. Is Battery life better or worse?
6. How smooth is the finger scrolling compaired to MS3? I think Mobile Shell 3 runs like a dream and I hope 6.5 will be just as smooth, but I'm not crossing my fingers.
Thanks for your help
1) WM 6.5 is very stable and will be standard on some phones in just a few months. However, they are still creating new builds to fix minor bugs (99.9% of which wold be unnoticeable to the average user)
2) All versions of 6.5 on this forum and Modaco are "standard". They all come with the Windows Mobile "Titanium" interface
3) All chefs here use to most recent builds. All are stable. I rarely need to soft reset my 6.5 phone
4) Opera is included in most chefs' ROMs, but check their respective threads to be sure. If, by chance, they don't have it built in, you can install it manually with no issues
5) Battery life is supposedly better with it being a more recent operating system. You won't be seeing any battery life detriments
6) Finger scolling is nice and smooth on 6.5