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  #177 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2007, 02:45 PM
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OK rob, so i have been running your build 4 stock for sprint for 3 days, and thus far its been fantastic. I can't complain about anything. speed is better and no major lockups. man i am one happy camper!

My only wishes at this point:

my documents shortcut on start menu - yea i want that too

htc home 1.5 - can this be installed via a cab, or do we need to wait till next rom?

sdhc cab file - a link on your downloads page to this would be nice

radio upgrade to 1.43 for sprint - i heard there are other ways to extract the files from your verizon install, but I am hoping there might be a way one can build a simple exe for us sprint users to upgrade the radio....

i will make my donation to both you and the ppcgeeks site, I need to please upper management right?
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