Originally Posted by Jyounya
Iight cuz, I dropped my TP running one day...it scratched it up somewhat but the phone still works. 4 weeks later today my phone has vertical gray lines on the screen that go in and out when I touch the screen. I have the TEP, what can I do?
Ok, if it was only scratches that would be known as cosmetics and it would not be covered under TEP, as you stated the lcd screen now has lines running across the screen. You can take it into a Sprint "Repair" store and have it serviced if the unit does not have dents or loose board then it can be swapped within the store if they have a "Seed Stock" if not then it would need to go through Advance Exchange meaning 3-5 business days till the phone is received at the store.. and you can hold on to yours till they get in in, make sure you back up your phone and take of any custom Roms.
Be Safe and God Bless