Somebody can correct me if I'm wrong.. but..
I think your asking the wrong question.
I believe it is the actual PHONE that initiates the cellular polling. There have been discussions about people not hearing their ringer until the 3rd or 4th ring... in which case changing the "Slot Cycle Index" to a lower number increases the polling rate of the cell sites. The default Slot Cycle Index I believe should be 2. Every step of "1" for this value adds 1.28 seconds to the base polling time. eg. If SCI is set to 2 and the base polling interval is 2 seconds.. you have ~5 seconds between polling requests.
A lower value/more frequent polling interval will increase battery usage, although most report that a lower or Zero slot Cycle Index has virtually no effect on their battery life.
Hope it helps.... If it doesnt.. check out "Slot Cycle Index".
On another note... look at PCWORLD's article
Sprint Won hands down.