Originally Posted by diplomat2387
I know this has been stated before but there is a lag when receiving a phone call...A pop up comes up before slide to answer comes on..It flashes like 2 times...Is there a fix..?..And also when the WM6.5 lock is enable it takes a while before I can answer the phone..It seems like both the slide to answer pop up...How can I disable 1 or the either..?
Originally Posted by jshaas2
6.5 issue not liking the dialer. As you have stated, it's been mentioned before. It is annoying, but for now, we have to live with it.
Take a look back on page 1495 post 14958. As I said on that post it worked for me in MightyROM5. In my MightROM6 I seem to have the 6.1 lock screen instead of 6.5. With those tweaks while phone is unlocked I get no flash of screen and slide to answer show instanly. While MR6 is locked if flashes lock screen quickly then opens slide to answer.