search couldnt answer my question...HELP!
ok so i bought my TP about a month ago and so far i am on my 3rd phone.
my issue is as soon as i get a replacement i come home and flash to MR5 cause i really cant stand the stock rom. so after i flashed it i also installed the sms/mms cab for picture mail on threaded texts.
about a week or 2 goes by and the phone works great. however last nite the keyboard would just stop working all together. i would try to soft reset and it would still not work.
so i switched back to the stock rom and relocked it cause i was going to return it back to sprint today but then the keyboard started working with no issues today.
is it mr5?
is it the sms/mms cab?
is it a hardware problem? (im kind of ruling this out since its been working fine all day)