Originally Posted by bikeandestroyx
i just got my hands on the 21903 xip and ported it (rom folder) if anyone wants to try it out im working on the sys right now
Originally Posted by santino405
I would love to get my hands on that.
Originally Posted by bikeandestroyx
ill upload it for you, just to let you know your gonna have to replace g'reloc with wmreloc or it g'reloc will get an error
you could also check out my rom  ill be posting 21900 in about an hour
Originally Posted by neurotek
whoa, i'd like to take a crack at the 219xx sys too! This is getting insane....keeping up with the new releases! it's exciting
FYI, 219XX is based on an older tree with some UI updates -- most of which have already been implimented in 21820. What hasn't been implimented are not yet stable. So really you're just getting an older tree base with less stable features. Interesting to mess with, but not really worth the effort. The 218XX tree is really what you want at this point in time.