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Old 05-29-2010, 03:51 AM
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CobaltController *Updated to v0.7*(.cab)*8/20/10* ANALOG STICKS WORKING!!!

Developer and XDA member Cobaltikus recently updated the application to version 0.2, and was able to get it working for Wii controllers too! So, if you have a Wiimote, you can now control any game on your Windows Phone! You can, for example, use the controller for the Playstation emulator FpseCE, so you can play any PS 1 game on your phone with a Playstation/Wii controller. In the first version, only devices with a Widcomm stack were capable of running it, but as promised, Cobaltikus added Microsoft stack compatibility, so now nearly every Windows Phone can make use of these awesome features.
Check out this video

It's perfect for game system emulators.

Play PlaystationOne games with FpseCE, Super Nintendo games (and more) with MorphGear (HD2 version), Nintendo, Genesis, GameBoy, GameGear games (and more) with SmartGear - There are many other emulators out there and this program/driver will work for anything that accepts keyboard input.


*PS3 Controller*
-Any windows mobile phone with bluetooth.
-A PS3 Controller (I don't know if non-Sony 3rd party controllers work).
-A working installation of WinDS3 on a bluetooth enabled desktop computer. You don't need to purchase it, the trial version works fine for our needs. I have included instructions on how to do this but it kind of sucks and I am working on a better alternative since not everyone has a PC that WinDS3 will play nicely with. Many have reported issues while trying to install WinDS3. I cannot help in these situations but others here may be able to. If you have trouble, your best bet is to wait until I figure out a better alternative or use a Wiimote in the meantime. See below in "Attachments" for instructions.

*Wii Controller*
-Any windows mobile phone with a Widcomm Bluetooth Stack. That means phones with the Microsoft Bluetooth Stack can't use the Wiimote yet.
-A Wii Controller.

Initial One Time Setup for PS3 Controllers:
Setting the PS3 controller's master address to your phone's bluetooth mac address:

1. Download and install MotionInJoy.
2. Run DS3 Tool, installed in the previous step.
3. Click the "About" tab in DS3 Tool to see the version. If DS3 Tool is less than 0.5.0003 you will need to update.
4. Connect your PS3 Controller to your computer via the USB cable and wait while Windows recognizes the new device.
5. Click on the "BluetoothPair" tab.
6. In the DUALSHOCK 3 drop down list select your controller. If it says "Can't find connected(USB) Playstat":
-Click "Driver Manager" directly above the drop down list
-Click "Load" and wait for it to finish
-Return to the "BluetoothPair" tab
7. Run CobaltController on your Windows Mobile device to get its BT address.
8. Enter that BT address into the text box directly above the DUALSHOCK 3 drop down list. Note that Motion in Joy uses a different MAC format (little endian vs big endian) so for example, a bluetooth address of "00:23:76:70:6B:4D" is entered it into Motion in Joy as "4d.6b."
9. Click the radio button next to this textbox to make sure that it uses the one you entered and not the one above it which is to connect your controller to your PC
10. Click "Pair Now"
11. If all went well your controller is now configured to talk to your Windows Mobile device. Go to the "Quick Start" tab and click "Disconnect".
12. Unplug your PS3 Controller.
13. As long as you don't pair your controller with any other device (like your PS3) then you never have to do this again. If you do pair the controller with a another device and wish to re-pair it with your phone again, repeat the above steps.

Widcomm Stack Specifics:

-Turn on bluetooth and set it to discoverable. Thanks to ryotgz, skilty, and gorelshv for this information. I believe it is only required the first time you use CobaltController. Once you have successfully connected, I do not believe BT has to be in discoverable mode any longer so you can change it back to invisible to save battery life.
-Make sure that the checkbox is not checked where it says "Allow only devices listed in 'My Devices' to connect".
-If you have never tried to connect the PS3 controller to your phone before (or at least not since the last hard reset or rom flash) it will fail to connect at first and you'll get a bunch of pop ups with "PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller" shown in bold asking for the pin. Keep tapping cancel as it pops up and wait for everything to stop trying to connect. After all that, try again and it should connect just fine and should always connect right away in the future without the pin prompts. There is no pin (that I know of at least) I'm bypassing security on both the PS3 and Wii connections (even though we do know the pin for the Wiimote is the host's mac backwards.)

Microsoft Stack Specifics:

-TURN OFF BLUETOOTH The MS stack does not like the PS3 controller and will NOT pair with it. I ended up writing a modified version of this stack to get around this problem, but it will conflict with the real MS stack so they can't both be on at the same time.
-Your phone will reboot when you disconnect the controller.

PS3 Controller Specifics:

-Press the PS button to connect and then later to disconnect

Wii Controller Specifics:

-Press the red Sync button to connect. Later hold down the Power button to disconnect.


-All 4 LEDs should flash a few times and then only the player one LED should remain lit showing it connected.
-The driver stops running after you disconnect to save battery life. Run it again to reconnect. It's in Start Menu\Programs\Games
-Registry Values are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cobaltikus\CobaltContro ller
-Currently only 1 controller can be active at a time but I am exploring the ability to add more.
-Once you are connected you can tap Menu > Exit to close the configuration program and your controller will remain connected, and the driver will continue to run until your controller is disconnected.


-CobaltController.vX.X.cab = Installs to \Program Files\CobaltController\ and a shortcut goes to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games
-sixpair.exe = PS3 Controller Connections Only - run this on your pc, not your phone. See "Initial One Time Setup for PS3 Controllers:" above for instructions.

Change Log
  • v0.7
    -No actual driver enhancements yet - just bug fixes
    -IMPORTANT - Different Default Buttons - you may need to remap in your emulator settings
    -Updated instructions (Menu > Instructions)
    -Menu reorganized, some new menu items exist
    -More Bluetooth "stuff" working in the UI
    -UI Settings Bug Fixes (values not sticking etc)
  • v0.6
    -Menu reorganized, some new menu items exist
    -More Bluetooth "stuff" in the UI - Mainly for devices with the M$ stack
    -Some other tweaks and changes but these are all the important ones.
  • v0.5
    -New Icon
    -UI Uses .Net 3.5, (driver is still c++)
    -Option to restore default keycodes
    -Bluetooth Address shown on screen so you don't have to search for it
    -229 fix - it could cause you to not like how the SIP works in other programs but you can always restore, so no worries.
  • v0.4
    Updated Instructions (Menu > Help > Instructions > [PS3|Wii])
    Added Menu > Help > About to verify version
All information can be found in the Application Thread

Last edited by lnando84; 08-23-2010 at 05:20 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2010, 12:52 PM
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Re: CobaltController 0.1 – Sixaxis/Dual Shock 3 Controller for Windows Phone

Originally Posted by lnando84 View Post
Cobaltikus from xda-developers has been hard at work on a Sixaxis/Dual Shock 3 Controller for Windows Phone, he also has plans for adding wiimote support. Use your Sony Playstation 3 Controller (Sixaxis/Dual Shock 3) as a Bluetooth HID device on your Windows Phone. It’s great for games, mainly emulators. Verified runs on HTC Touch Pro2 and HTC HD2, verified does not run on HTC Touch Pro(1) due to it’s lack of a Widcomm stack.

Application Thread
Thanks for sharing the link.
Stock and Rooted

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2010, 01:31 PM
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Re: CobaltController 0.1 – Sixaxis/Dual Shock 3 Controller for Windows Phone

Originally Posted by Wesley762 View Post
Thanks for sharing the link.
Your very welcome. When i came across it I had to share..the thought of having an app like this is incredible. Once he makes it fully configurable we could essentially use it to play games (from any gaming console) on our phones & even TV's if we utilize the "tv out" option.
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Old 05-29-2010, 08:12 PM
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Re: CobaltController 0.1 – Sixaxis/Dual Shock 3 Controller for Windows Phone

Originally Posted by lnando84 View Post
Your very welcome. When i came across it I had to share..the thought of having an app like this is incredible. Once he makes it fully configurable we could essentially use it to play games (from any gaming console) on our phones & even TV's if we utilize the "tv out" option.
lol, I would have two thumb holes in my phone if I used my phone, I am just brutal on controls, I went though a lot of Xbox controllers in my halo days lol.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2010, 01:04 AM
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Re: CobaltController 0.1 – Sixaxis/Dual Shock 3 Controller for Windows Phone

Originally Posted by Wesley762 View Post
lol, I would have two thumb holes in my phone if I used my phone, I am just brutal on controls, I went though a lot of Xbox controllers in my halo days lol.
haha I feel ya... I still go thru controllers like nobodys business. I think your a little confused about how this app works. it allows you to connect a ps3 controller (thru bluetooth) and use it to play games on your phone.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2010, 01:29 AM
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Re: CobaltController 0.1 – Sixaxis/Dual Shock 3 Controller for Windows Phone

Originally Posted by lnando84 View Post
haha I feel ya... I still go thru controllers like nobodys business. I think your a little confused about how this app works. it allows you to connect a ps3 controller (thru bluetooth) and use it to play games on your phone.
Ahh, that makes a little more scene.
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Old 06-01-2010, 05:14 PM
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Smile DUALSHOCK 3 Reply

That's very cool. Who knew this would be released two days before the idea "hey what if I could actually be able to use a controller with my diamond and actually have an UP arrow key?". Figuring they both had bluetooth but the PlayStation 3 controller had a better feel in your hand, I went with doing an internet search for "playstation 3 controller with windows mobile".

This could really take off with some of those classic console emulators. Does anyone have a link for it here on PPCGEEKS, because I don't have an XDA DEVELOPERS account.

- 2 Bunny
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by 2 Bunny View Post
That's very cool. Who knew this would be released two days before the idea "hey what if I could actually be able to use a controller with my diamond and actually have an UP arrow key?". Figuring they both had bluetooth but the PlayStation 3 controller had a better feel in your hand, I went with doing an internet search for "playstation 3 controller with windows mobile".

This could really take off with some of those classic console emulators. Does anyone have a link for it here on PPCGEEKS, because I don't have an XDA DEVELOPERS account.

- 2 Bunny
I'm not 100% sure but I don't think this is working with the diamond. It's verified that it does not run on HTC Touch Pro(1) due to it's lack of a Widcomm stack. Here are the files if you'd like to give it a try..

Updated to version 2 on 1st post.

Last edited by lnando84; 06-17-2010 at 02:26 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by lnando84 View Post
I'm not 100% sure but I don't think this is working with the diamond. It's verified that it does not run on HTC Touch Pro(1) due to it's lack of a Widcomm stack. Here are the files if you'd like to give it a try..

Attachment 71232
Attachment 71233
Didn't even get WinDS3 to install the driver for the controller, so the pairing app doesn't work. Any ideas?

- 2 Bunny
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2010, 03:05 PM
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Re: CobaltController *Updated to v0.2* Now supports Playstation & Wii controller!!

Updated to version 0.2. on June 16
Click if I've helped you!!

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