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Old 03-03-2011, 12:41 PM
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[ROM][ACS]SyndicateROM Frozen 1.2

Wow, just wanted to copy and paste this rom here on PpcGeeks.

All credit and original thread is found here:

Version 1.2 - with out kernel
Updated 6/19/2011
Screenshots, downloads, and changelog in second post!

Why SyndicateROM Frozen?

All of you Epic users who have been around the XDA community for a while probably recognize the SyndicateROM name. The original DI18-based SyndicateROM was one of the fastest, most refined, and most popular ROMs of its time. SyndicateROM Frozen is based on the official EC05 release of Android 2.2.1, and is built from the ground up for speed, stability, and battery life.

What's the secret sauce? Carrier IQ, the infamous Sprint spyware package, has been completely removed! More details in the second post - you won't believe what we found! Themers and other mod developers take note, many modifications were made to the system in order to achieve this exclusive feature.

What's in SyndicateROM Frozen?

SyndicateROM Frozen is:
based on EC05
kernel rooted
hand-tweaked from the ground up
designed for EXT4
CWM compatible

Unlike the original, SyndicateROM Frozen comes in only two editions - Standard, and Fully Loaded. Standard is designed to be a combination of the previous Superslim and Standard - a lean, mean, super-fast battery-sipping machine. The developer's choice!

SyndicateROM Standard includes LauncherPro. All Samsung and Sprint bloatware are completely gone!

SyndicateROM Fully Loaded features TouchWiz instead of LauncherPro, and adds in Social Network Sync, Facebook, BuddiesNow, Program Monitor, and the stock live wallpapers. All the rest of the bloat is still gone!

Both versions feature Wireless and Wired Tether preinstalled!

Tweaks and bugfixes in SyndicateROM Frozen and the Twilight Zone kernel include:
any and all lag completely destroyed
Network speeds at their peak - no throttle service, buffers adjusted
3G, 4G, and WiFi are stable
Video recording issues have been resolved
RNDIS no longer conflicts with ADB
1xRTT properly displays, instead of the erroneous 3G icon
The Sprint HTTPPD and RTSP proxies have been completely removed
The 'battery full' popup and sound has been removed
SMS/MMS messages and email have been removed from the call log
A restart button has been added to the shutdown menu
"AM" and "PM" have been removed from the clock
Did we mention Carrier IQ is gone?
Twilight Zone has custom undervolts using Voltage Control
Twilight Zone features optimizations from 2.6.34, and many optimizations for the Cortex A8
Animations correctly smoothed
Transition animation speed automatically set to fast on first boot, completely user-adjustable after
Hardware keyboard response improved with the Impaled Speed Demon Tweak
Loud boot sound removed
Ads in apps and websites blocked
Bluetooth voice dialing fixed

Downloads - Version 1.2 - EXT4 only - See Installation Notes

We do not use file hosts with waiting times!

Download "Standard" (Direct) | Mirrors: Mirror 1

To enable journaling: See here

Addons: TW4 :: AM/PM Restore, Fix 24-Hour Time (mirror)::

Installation Notes - READ THIS! "WATCH THIS!

You need CWM already installed. You need a froyo kernel if coming from gb or eclair

If you are not on an EC05 rom or SyndicateROM Frozen 1.0.1/1.0.2/1.1.0/1.1.1: Use Odin to flash the EC05 modem. UNCHECK EVERYTHING EXCEPT "AUTO REBOOT". Ensure you are on CWM3.1.0.1. Wipe data for best results, and flash the ROM.

If you coming from the EC05 OTA (stock): Download the ROM and copy it to your SD card first, then use the CWM3.1.0.1 one-click, wipe data, and flash the ROM.

If you are coming from another EC05 ROM with a working modem: Just flash the ROM with CWM3.1.0.1. If you get any FCs at all, wipe data and reflash.

If you are coming from SyndicateROM Frozen 1.0.1/1.0.2/: Flash the EC05 modem in Odin (UNCHECK EVERYTHING EXCEPT "AUTO REBOOT"), then flash the ROM.

This package will automatically backup and restore your data.
A little lost on the above? User qbking77 has created a how-to video. Just click here.


Version 1.2
Darkkys zipalighn method
Tweaked the file system for more speed and battery savings
Default scheduler to BFQ
Updated all apps
Added Galaxy Tuner, KiesAir, SamsungApps, Voltage Control
Baked in 6 lockscreen mod
Updated theme

Version 1.1.1- Hajime-taisho -
Custom Undervolting with Voltage Control from the market - tanimn
Fugu-Tweaks - nikademus
modified dalvik/libdvm.so - no2chem
No2Chem's updated bionic - no2chem
Impaled Keyboard Patch Fix - theimpaler747
Increase Read Cache for better SD Card access - brainmaster
Darkyy Ram Booster - darkky
Modified Sqlite.so
Changed build finerprint back to Epic EC05
Added Darkkys Gallery No more battery drain*
Added Crutch lite (enables all downloads in stock browser)
aosp lock screen is defualt
gps crash workaround - mkasick
gps assistance - mkasick*
silent option on volume controlls - mkasick*
updated theme - maddogin
chris41g - tw date fix

Version 1.1.0 - Takiya - Support posts start here
quirk: even the modified browser doesn't download all files - this is expected and occurs on all ROMs, custom or stock, but will be solved regardless.
quirk: MP3 files don't open from a file manager. Will be looked into.
quirk: If you use the stock YouTube uploading feature, you need to put MediaUploader.apk from the Stock Apps addon in /system/app. May readd in 1.1.1.
known bug (DK28/EB13/EC05 stock and custom ROMs): Very limited numbers of users see battery drain due to the gallery.
known bug (kernel): Wired Tether doesn't work (Samsung broke it again, we're working on it)
known bug (kernel): limited numbers of users experience freezes, IF YOU GET FREEZES, READ THIS OR TRY VISIONKERNEL
known bug: browser FC on Save As - fix in the works
all the goodness added up to this point
based on EC05
removed low battery killers in camera, music, video players
added Flash Player 10.2
added Adobe Reader
added modified CM6 browser (window limit gone, Incognito Mode available, no checkerboarding)
added TWS display fix
modified calendar widget
added AppWidgetPicker
all apps up to date
updated to Twilight Zone 1.1.0
(kernel) back to basics with fresh EC05 source and codesourcery 2009q3 toolchain
(kernel) Voodoo Sound 6
(kernel) 1.3ghz new top speed
(kernel) 600mhz step added for smoother scaling at stock frequencies
(kernel) conservative governor is fixed. (On Demand is still default)
(kernel) adjustable hardware keyboard patch
(kernel) tun.ko added to modules for VPN support
(kernel) framerate cap raised to 72fps
(kernel) DVSINT1 raised to 1.125v for higher clocks and better stability
(kernel) sports mode back and working for the camera
(kernel) sysfs interface for scaling_available_frequencies

Version 1.0.2 - Malanga
integrated Tether fixes
integrated Hotspot fix
integrated mapping fix
added recompiled libdvm.so
really removed battery popup
added Battery Mod app
added automatic backup/restore
restored all stock ringtones
added "real phone" ringtone (default)
updated hosts file
updated MyBackup Root
added Voodoo Control App (controls Voodoo Sound settings)
updated kernel to Twilight Zone 1.0.4
(Fully Loaded) moved live wallpapers, Samsung widgets to /data/app
(kernel) built with crosstool-ng (no more CodeSourcery)
(kernel) added Voodoo Sound (big sound quality increase!)
(kernel) increased framerate cap

Version 1.0.1 - Madhouse
known bug: Sprint Hotspot not working for some users, FIXED, DOWNLOAD AND FLASH
known bug: FCs on apps with mapping, FIXED, DOWNLOAD AND FLASH
known bug: Wired/WiFi Tether FC, FIXED, DOWNLOAD AND FLASH
re-architectured CIQ removal fix - themers/modders take note - resigning no longer neccesary
fixed SSL bug
fixed email bug
created AM/PM restore addon, fixes 24-hour time
removed modified libsqlite.so - improves database stability, possible FC fix for those affected by Wireless Tether issues
added MyBackup Root
added Adao File Manager - far superior to My Files
fixed white pixels around GPS, 1X icons
fixed GPS animation frame display order - minor; locks now show two bars, not one
Social Network Sync included in both versions
Google Search re-added
malware patch included - thanks Rodderik
SMS/MMS notification icons changed to DI18 versions (black > yellow)
Google Maps updated
Wireless Tether updated
(Fully Loaded) Facebook updated
(Fully Loaded) added stock live wallpapers
added new kernel version - thanks tanimn!
(kernel) tweaked voltages, 1.2ghz should be stable for the few users it wasn't stable for before
(kernel) updated tether support
(kernel) boots at 800mhz, runs at 1ghz by default
(kernel) updated toolchain
(kernel) fixed charging animation while phone off bug
(kernel) memory leak for those affected fixed
(current upload) fixed Market FC
(current upload) fixed Email bug completely
(current upload) Phone icon blue again
(current upload) Wireless Tether really added

Version 1.0 - Manriki
initial release
running at 1.2ghz, use SetCPU to set to 1.0ghz with undervolting
Known bug: Google Quick Search/search button on home screen behaves improperly - fix coming
Known bug: kernel not scaling (to 1.0ghz max from 1.2ghz max in SetCPU) correctly - FIXED! DOWNLOAD AND FLASH, use the On-Demand governor!
Known bug: 24 hour time not displaying correctly, thanks jsheahawk.
Known bug: Email.apk force closes. Try clearing data in Settings > Applications > Manage Applications. A fix is being worked on, use K9 Mail in the meantime.
Graphical quirk: few white pixels in some status icons. Will be fixed!

Important Notes

To ROM devs: A clean version of the affected frameworks and other files have been uploaded here. Other than Carrier IQ's removal, the Throttle Service has also been removed, along with the Sprint RTSP and HTTPPD proxies. Aside from those changes they are stock. Note all of the APKs in that package must be given the same signature, along with anything else using android.uid.shared (including TouchWiz, Sns*, and more). If the CIQ removal process causes any unforseen issues, please join us at irc.fossnet.info #acs-users, we'll be happy to help.

To themers: Your themes are still fully compatible with SyndicateROM Frozen! However, you should download the package above, and make sure that if your theme modifies any of the included files, you use the versions from this ROM to prevent FCs in your users' systems.


To get wireless tethering to work:

Go into settings of the Wireless tether app before you start
Change the Device Type to Epic
Then, ensure that you are NOT on 4G
Start the tether
Once connected on 3G, you can turn on 4G, it will work now.
NEVER turn on 4G before you start the tether

If USB doesn't work, reboot.
All themes must become compatiable
Fully Loaded IS coming shortly


We would like to thank everyone below for their hard work, and for their valuable contributions, some of which we've included in this ROM. The entire Android Creative Syndicate thanks you!
rjmjr69 For his team leadership and support that makes this possible.
k0nane While you have taken a break from developing, YOU started this rom and made it what it was. Thank you for that, and thank you for allowing us to continue your work
tanimn - for the (continuing) hard work on the Twilight Zone kernel, THANK YOU!
MysteryEmotionz - continuing the work after k0 had left. This new rom is mostly his doing. Thank you! And thank you for: theme porting from Shuriken, AM/PM mod, accurate battery framework, reboot mod, other theme assistance
thomasskull666 - contributions to the Twilight Zone kernel
ZHkilla - graphics, boot animation, theme porting from Shuriken, accurate battery images
Dreamsforgotten - theme assistance, theme porting from Shuriken
theimpaler747 - Keyboard tweak, battery mod app, modified calendar widget, awesome moderator
qbking - Great how to videos, tester.
jez2cool - testing
nanncee - testing
Konikub - screenshot compilation above
Shabbypenguin - mirror hosting
DevinXtreme - original fixes in Xtreme Kernel
geniusdog254 - original fixes in Xtreme Kernel
nullghost - idle timer from 2.6.34 (kernel), sysfs interface for scaling_available_frequencies (kernel)
mkasick - camera fix patch (kernel), Wired Tether updates, hardware keyboard fix patch (kernel), TWS display fix, enhanced keyboard fix (kernel)
supercurio - Voodoo Sound (kernel), Voodoo Control
Rodderik - framerate cap increase (kernel), 1.3ghz (kernel), Clockwork Mod Recovery, EXT4 portage
Mammon88 and the Bonsai team - select initscripts, original network speed tweaks, backup/restore scripts
Untermensch (Vibrant) - original 'battery full' tweaks, modifed CM6 browser
the users - for patiently waiting for this release

If we've used something of yours or you've contributed in any way and we've not added your name above, we apologize! Please send k0nane or rjmjr69 a PM and we'll get you added as soon as possible.


SyndicateROM Frozen and any other ACS productions are not, and will never be donationware. However, we have put many hours into the development of SyndicateROM Frozen, and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. Your generosity - if you feel like showing it - is deeply appreciated.

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-A quick thanks always helps!

Last edited by Hypnotic2010; 06-27-2011 at 10:40 AM. Reason: New links
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Old 03-03-2011, 12:41 PM
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Re: [ROM][ACS] SyndicateROM Frozen 1.0 (Manriki) :: EB13/EXT4 - *NO CARRIER IQ*, DETA

What Is Carrier IQ? Why Should We Care?

Put simply - and bluntly - Carrier IQ is a software package buried deep within Android by Samsung at the behest of Sprint. It has been in active use since the time of the Moment, if not before. The company that develops it, also known as Carrier IQ, bills it as "Mobile Service Intelligence". In their own words,
[T]he combination of the MSIP and IQ Insight lets you move seamlessly from broad trend data across many users, through comparative groups down to diagnostic data from individual devices. Now, not only can you identify trends, you have the power to drill down to specific instances, giving you the insight your specialists need to make a difference.
On its own, that description can vary from harmless, to worrying, depending on how you look at it. It's not until one drills deep down into the system and ferrets out every piece of the software that one truly knows what it contains. As some of you might remember, ACS took the first steps toward disabling the Carrier IQ software with the release of SyndicateROM and Xtreme Kernel 1.0. That, however, didn't even scratch the surface.

Carrier IQ's native libraries are plainly visible - libiq_client.so and libiq_service.so in /system/lib. During every boot, this service is launched - you can see it in Settings > Applications > Running Services as "IQAgent Service". These native libraries are called by non-native (Android application) libraries located in ext.jar (the client) and framework.jar (the service). Removal of these (rather obviously-named) libraries alone, be it the .so files or the libraries in framework or ext, will, obviously, break boot. So I - k0nane - had to dig deeper. To make a long story short, reference to the IQ Service and IQ Client were littered across the deepest portions of the framework, and some of the most basic functions of the Android system as we know it.

Carrier IQ as a platform is designed to collect "metrics" at any scale. What I found it to hook into is far beyond the scope of anything a carrier needs - or should want - to be collecting. Carrier IQ sits in the middle of, and "checks" the data of, SMS and MMS messages. It listens for and receives every battery change notifications. It hooks into every web page you view, and every XML file your device reads. It receives every press of the touch screen. It 'sees' what you type on the physical keyboard. It reads every number you press in the dialer. It can track which applications you use, what 'type' they are, how often, and for how long. It hooks into data sent and received.

I, and the rest of ACS, ask Samsung and Sprint - why do you want this information? Why do you need it? Why is the capability in place?

The only saving grace - if there is one - to this nasty, ten-legged mutant spider is that its logs are off by default. During the investigation process, I was able to enter its UI. Below are two screenshots of it.

That being said, the question still must be asked - why is the service even running? Why does Sprint and Samsung feel the need to leave a dormant monster in every one of its most loyal customers' phones?

Here's the most important part (tl;dr): the Carrier IQ service is a drain on battery life and performance. ACS noticed a significant rise in Smartbench scores and overall system 'snappiness' after Carrier IQ's removal. In addition, with it removed, ACS team lead rjmjr69 saw 30 hours of battery life, with heavy use, on the stock battery.


We would like to thank everyone below for their hard work, and for their valuable contributions, some of which we've included in this ROM. The entire Android Creative Syndicate thanks you!
  • tanimn (ACS) - for the (continuing) hard work on the Twilight Zone kernel, THANK YOU!
  • thomasskull666 (ACS) - contributions to the Twilight Zone kernel
  • MysteryEmotionz (ACS) - theme porting from Shuriken, AM/PM mod, accurate battery framework, reboot mod, other theme assistance
  • ZHkilla (ACS) - graphics, boot animation, theme porting from Shuriken, accurate battery images
  • Dreamsforgotten (ACS) - theme assistance, theme porting from Shuriken
  • jez2cool (ACS) - testing
  • nanncee (ACS) - testing
  • Konikub (ACS) - screenshot compilation above
  • Shabbypenguin (ACS) - mirror hosting
  • DevinXtreme (ACS) - original fixes in Xtreme Kernel
  • geniusdog254 - original fixes in Xtreme Kernel
  • nullghost - idle timer from 2.6.34 (kernel)
  • mkasick - camera fix patch, Wired Tether updates, hardware keyboard fix patch
  • Mammon88 and the Bonsai team - select initscripts, original network speed tweaks, tweaked libsqlite.so
  • Dameon - Clockwork Mod Recovery, EXT4 portage
  • Untermensch (Vibrant) - original 'battery full' tweaks, more
  • theimpaler747 (ACS) and the XDA mod team
  • the users - for patiently waiting for this release

If we've used something of yours or you've contributed in any way and we've not added your name above, we apologize! Please send k0nane or rjmjr69 a PM and we'll get you added as soon as possible.

Special thanks to rjmjr69, our team leader, without whom this ROM and the team behind it would not exist.


ACS member Pseudoremora has created a set of userbars for all users! Please support our efforts, and this ROM, and add one to your signature.


SyndicateROM Frozen and any other ACS productions are not, and will never be donationware. However, I (k0nane) and the rest of the Android Creative Syndicate have put many hours into the development of SyndicateROM Frozen, and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. Your generosity - if you feel like showing it - is deeply appreciated! Please PM k0nane with your PayPal email address if you donate! We will list you anonymously if you wish.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2011, 02:24 PM
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Re: [ROM][ACS] SyndicateROM Frozen 1.0 (Manriki) :: EB13/EXT4 - *NO CARRIER IQ*, DETA

thanx for bringing this over.

on boot i get fc all over and after i re dl'd rom and tried again from scratch.

Last edited by darren.wlsn1; 03-03-2011 at 04:43 PM.
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Old 03-03-2011, 04:48 PM
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Re: [ROM][ACS] SyndicateROM Frozen 1.0 (Manriki) :: EB13/EXT4 - *NO CARRIER IQ*, DETA

yeah, if this is the truth, I might be happy with this.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2011, 05:04 PM
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Re: [ROM][ACS] SyndicateROM Frozen 1.0 (Manriki) :: EB13/EXT4 - *NO CARRIER IQ*, DETA

Thanks for bringing this ROM over here. Been using this ROM since yesterday and love it. Battery life is slightly improved. Very responsive. Who would have thought Sprint would be spying on us
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2011, 05:05 PM
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Re: [ROM][ACS] SyndicateROM Frozen 1.0 (Manriki) :: EB13/EXT4 - *NO CARRIER IQ*, DETA

well i guess third times a charm, all is good now and this things very fast so far.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2011, 08:17 PM
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Re: [ROM][ACS] SyndicateROM Frozen 1.0 (Manriki) :: EB13/EXT4 - *NO CARRIER IQ*, DETA

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
well i guess third times a charm, all is good now and this things very fast so far.
I thought this rom was really smooth myself, and battery seemed good for the day I ran it. Of course (stupid me) I was trying to create something for another member here and f'ed it up, so I just restored back to midNIGHT 4.1.

Fricken even numbers.

Remember to clickon those who help! It's right down there.
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Old 03-08-2011, 05:41 PM
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Re: [ROM][ACS] SyndicateROM Frozen 1.0 (Manriki) :: EB13/EXT4 - *NO CARRIER IQ*, DETA

Rom was updated to 1.0.1 on 3/8/11 and the bugs on it were fixed
IF I helped feel free to hit the thanks button

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Old 03-14-2011, 11:16 PM
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Re: [ROM][ACS] SyndicateROM Frozen 1.0.1 (Madhouse) :: EXT4 - No CIQ/speed/battery ::

I flashed late last night and left my phone to charge. this morn with the batt at 100% i reset the batt stats and rebooted. the batt was at 98% so i charged to back 100% and unplugged the phone. that was at 9:00 this morn and here it is 11:10 pm and my batt is at 70% still! i've only been talking and texting all day but 14hr so far is crazy! the speed and batt life of this rom is so sic. and i love the fact that big brother is no longer watching!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2011, 03:37 PM
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Re: [ROM][ACS] SyndicateROM Frozen 1.0.1 (Madhouse) :: EXT4 - No CIQ/speed/battery ::

Originally Posted by BogusBizzo View Post
I flashed late last night and left my phone to charge. this morn with the batt at 100% i reset the batt stats and rebooted. the batt was at 98% so i charged to back 100% and unplugged the phone. that was at 9:00 this morn and here it is 11:10 pm and my batt is at 70% still! i've only been talking and texting all day but 14hr so far is crazy! the speed and batt life of this rom is so sic. and i love the fact that big brother is no longer watching!
+1 loving this rom battery life as well. Before i would disconnect the phone at 8am and by 1-2pm it was low on battery so i had to put it to charge again but now i disconnect it at the same time and around 10pm i have to connect it. To me thats a big plus. I like to show it off to my friend with the evo who has to carry a charger with him and an extra battery with him because of poor battery life.
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