The wait is over! Here you go guys. VGA with no arrows download the Giannis Cab.
Originally Posted by Rozenthal

WVGA Cab in Second Post
Check out FingerKeyboard video demonstration:

Please note that the speed of typing in
this video is intentionally slightly slowed
down - this was done so that it is easier
to see what buttons are being typed
during the demonstration.
Before installing FingerKeyboard2, please make sure you find out what is the correct installation version for your device. You will see that we have attached several different versions - they're designed to work on specific device resolutions.
Do not download before you know exactly what you need for your specific device! Explanation of how to discover what resolution your device has is described in HELP AND FAQ document listed few posts below!
Speaking of which - READ the whole HELP AND FAQ text; it will help you understand how to configure and use this keyboard!
- IF YOU HAVE OLDER VERSIONS OF FINGERKEYBOARD, PLEASE UNINSTALL THEM BEFORE INSTALLING V2.1! After removing old version, please restart the device and remove FingerKeyb folder before proceeding!
- Run the attached .cab file (recommend you install to device memory).
- The keyboard will install into /Program files/FingerKeyb. There is also a link to Configuration tool in the Start > Programs.
- After installation, a Configuration utility will open. Here you can customize the layouts, choose color schemes and configure various options of FingerKeyboard2.
- Click on OK and softreset the device.
- Open up your standard keyboard (in SMS for example), click on the small arrow next to the middle keyboard icon and go to "Other input options".
- FingerKeyb should be listed there, select it and you're good to go!
- If you wish to set FingerKeyb as default keyboard, even after restart of your device, use SIP change application. Remember to set the time-delay to 40-50 seconds!
Go into Settings > System > Remove programs. It is listed as "Exidler's FingerKeyboard".
Created and programmed by Exidler
Designed by Rozenthal
Main tester ChrisCross
Big thanks to people who helped us in creating this application (in no special order): Berkut_G, utak3r, GoldCoin, Cerato, Schreda, Panosha, JBouRas, SBS, BadCluster, Taiseer999, Borchert, Hanackin, Iligcons, Allbercik, Ombre.px, Nvidia32, derfler, ilovepunani, elite-fusion, RoozbehDream, Giannis86, parasite81, bugsykoosh, Reefhunter49, Chompy18 (if I forgot someone, please PM me!)
v2.1 - new and improved FKBD2 with unique features (5. april, 2009)
v2.0 - official release of updated FingerKeyboard
v1.4 to v2.0 beta - closed beta testing (link to 1.4 thread)
v1.4 - alternate language layout for landscape mode. New vertical num pad.
v1.3 - updated landscape graphics and layout, fixed bugs.
v1.2 - updated vertical layout, now supports limited landscape mode, new .dll and register files.
v1.1 - vertical support for 2 languages + numeric keypad, new graphics, new layout
v1.0 - exidler's original version
Please read carefully the terms and conditions of this End User License Agreement ("EULA") before installing FingerKeyboard software ("Software").
This EULA provides a license agreement between authors of FinkerKeyboard ("Licensors") and you (person) ("Licensee") to use the Software and contains warranty information and liability disclaimers.
By installing and using the Software you accept and agree to the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you must cancel the installation or, if the Software is already installed on your device, promptly uninstall it.
The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Software is a product of the Licencors. It is protected under international copyright law. All copyrights are exclusively owned by Exidler and Rozenthal.
The Software is freeware. However, the Licensee may use it only and exclusively for private personal and non-commercial usage, and only under conditions which do not contradict the restrictions noted below. If you want to use Software for anything else, you must contact the Licencors. Software may not be bundled or distributed with any other package without written permission of the Licensors.
The Software is distributed "as is" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. The Licensee uses the Software at his own risk. The Licencors shall not be liable to the Licensee for any kind of consequences, which occur or not occur while installing, using or uninstalling the Software.
In accepting the EULA granted by Licensor, Licensee agrees that he shall not
1. Sublicense, sell, lease, rent, permit use of, give, or lend the Software
or any copy or portion thereof;
2. Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, analyze, or otherwise attempt to
discover the source code of the Software;
3. Use or incorporate the Software or any portion thereof in any other product
without the prior written permission of the Licensor;
4. Remove, alter, or obscure the copyright, trademark, proprietary, or other
notices from the Software or any of its components.
Licensee is allowed to edit existing or create new language layouts, and share them with other users. Licensee is allowed to edit existing or create new graphic elements, but only with respect to copyright and trademark notices.
The Licensee may NOT redistribute the Software by any mean (CD, DVD, Web site...) without permission from Licencors.
The Licensee may terminate the EULA at any time. Also, the EULA will terminate automatically if Licensee fails to comply with the restrictions described above. Upon termination of the EULA, the Licensee shall remove all copies of the Software from his (her, its) device and all storage media.
ADDED Giannis86 cab with arrows and without, and link to original thread with all languages
If QVGA Landscape does not work download fix here
Last edited by Reef48; 04-21-2009 at 09:50 AM.