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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 02:19 PM
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i know why battery life sucks so much!

2 things iv noticed
1. my evdo connection is always running
i checked the weather app and it isnt updating all the time
2. using nuetools - power app
my discharge sometimes goes upto 400/600ma which is far above where it should be (150-250)

anyone care to replicated my results and see if they cant find any info?

Mogul > Diamond FREE, $75 inconvenience credit
$42/mo 1250 min unlimited txt/data + TEP
<sprint tech>
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 02:42 PM
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Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!

hey, my evdo is not always running and i never used nuetools, but my battery life still sucks...

Originally Posted by d94 View Post
2 things iv noticed
1. my evdo connection is always running
i checked the weather app and it isnt updating all the time
2. using nuetools - power app
my discharge sometimes goes upto 400/600ma which is far above where it should be (150-250)

anyone care to replicated my results and see if they cant find any info?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 03:27 PM
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Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!

Originally Posted by d94 View Post
2 things iv noticed
1. my evdo connection is always running
i checked the weather app and it isnt updating all the time
2. using nuetools - power app
my discharge sometimes goes upto 400/600ma which is far above where it should be (150-250)

anyone care to replicated my results and see if they cant find any info?
Mine goes up to about 5-600ma when ever my data arrows are white too, but when grey its at 150-170. With the backlight is on pretty bright, about 75%, with grey arrows, Im at about 250. Heres the weird part. when I plug in my charger, the charge indicator say 850ma, but if I make a call the discharge rate goes up to about 650, and the charge indicator drops to 450. If this is the case, does that mean the phone will discharge faster than it can be replenished? Meaning if Im on the phone when its plugged in, could the phone die? Seems weird....
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 03:53 PM
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Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!

Originally Posted by vinscuzzy View Post
Mine goes up to about 5-600ma when ever my data arrows are white too, but when grey its at 150-170. With the backlight is on pretty bright, about 75%, with grey arrows, Im at about 250. Heres the weird part. when I plug in my charger, the charge indicator say 850ma, but if I make a call the discharge rate goes up to about 650, and the charge indicator drops to 450. If this is the case, does that mean the phone will discharge faster than it can be replenished? Meaning if Im on the phone when its plugged in, could the phone die? Seems weird....
last night my phone was on the charger and i had nuetools running and it showed that the discharge was far lass then the usage and i was watching my phone die...as it was charging lol
now thats a well designed phone
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 05:00 PM
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Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!

I'm guessing it decreases charge input while during a call to lessen the overheating effect. You think of how much that little phone of yours is doing, it's pretty hard work.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 06:29 PM
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Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!

id much rather have a hot phone than a dead one!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 06:38 PM
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Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!

You can use your phone with no battery while it's plugged in. I think it's a safe bet to say that your phone will never die if it's plugged in and you have a normal operating battery.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 07:54 PM
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Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!

I have had the Diamond for a week now, and the Touch before that. Rather than measure battery life in hours or days, I measure my expected battery life by how each function on the phone drains the battery. For both the Diamond and the Touch, Bluetooth has been the greatest drain for me. With Bluetooth on (no calls, data, Wifi), I can expect an 8%-10% loss in battery per hour. In 8 hours, my battery is at 20%-30%. When Bluetooth is off (again, no calls, data, Wifi), I see a drain of 1%-2% per hour. In 24 hours, remaining battery will be 55%-60%. So I keep Bluetooth off unless I need it.

Phone calls drain about 20% per hour for me. 4.5 hours of phone calls means a 90% drain, plus the 1%-2% per hour mentioned above should leave a remaining battery at 1%-6%. That is about what HTC estimates. If I have Bluetooth on the whole time (whether I am actually using the Headset), add 10% to the 20% for the phone calls or 30% per hour of talk time. So the battery will only last a little over 3 hours.

I can expect a drain similar to the phone call drain when I use the Internet, about 20% per hour. Though I have not used Wifi yet, my guess is that it would be similar to the Bluetooth battery drain.

I have several programs installed, but only run them as needed and they do not seem to drain the battery appreciably, unless they are performing a task constantly. For example, WMP or Sprint TV each will provide a constant drain when playing because it is a constant load on the processor. But having the Calculator program open, or a settings dialog, etc. does not provide a constant drain so I do not worry about closing these types of programs.

This is the stock ROM with a few tweaks using Advanced Config and Diamond tweaks (just what they recommend in the defaults). I keep the light sensor active and usually turn the data connection off when it is not needed. I use the Second Today screen (you can do a Google search) and nueChem's Battery tools. They are always running. The GPS location setting is always On.

There is one big caveat. The estimates above are using the Airave, which provides a strong signal and keeps the radio from working too hard. Prior to the Airave, with my Touch, I did find much poorer battery life because I only got 1-3 bars. So the Airave is a good be1nchmark and the estimates will vary, depending upon signal strength.

Bottom line. In 8 hours with Bluetooth off and 2 hours of phone calls and/or data, I should have a battery level of 100%-(20%x2)-(2%x16) = 44% remaining. Say between 40-50% battery remaining at the end of 8 hours. At the end of 24 hours, same 2 hours in phone calls/data, the remaining battery should be 50%-(1%-2%x16) = 18%-32% remaining. With Bluetooth on, you can do the math. Battery life will be much less.

I love the phone and am quite satisfied with the battery life. HTC says about 4.5 hours of talk time and I find this to be accurate. I consider talk time and data time roughly equivalent. If you use 4.5 hours of talk time and/or data time, the battery will last 4.5 hours. But under normal use for me (about 2 hours of phone/data), using only Bluetooth as needed, I can expect at least 30 hours. About the same as the Touch.

My experience. Hope it helps.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 10:37 PM
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Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!

I had a Touch and now Diamond as well. I also have a Centro. Today, with similar amount of use between the Centro and Diamond, both starting at 100% this monring, my Centro is now at 77% with its 1150 mAh battery, and the Diamond is at 16%.

The Centro seems to have very aggressive power saving strategy. With BT on all the time, I can go several hours with the battery staying at 99% if I don't use the phone. It is a 320x320 device with a actual keypad.

The VGA Diamond, on the other hand, seems to generate a lot of heat, and even gets a bit warm (verified by an infrared thermometer) when coverage is bad and nothing else running. The Diamond has a 1340 mAh battery.

With a 1500 mAh battery on the QVGA Touch (Seideo), it was still no where near the Centro.

I realize I'm comparing apples and oranges and pears, but I do wish that the Diamond can last 24 hours with BT on and moderate use.

With the Diamond, my battery meter goes immediately to 97 or 96% when I unplug from the charger.


Edit: The difference between BT on and off is between 4 and 10 mAh. I believe what cappy is experiencing, but what I observe doesn't seem to jive with reality.

Last edited by snovvman; 10-01-2008 at 10:51 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 11:05 PM
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Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!

I can say i noticed a big diffenerce in battery when I keep notifications cleared
I usually keep unimportant emails unread and stuff like that which caused the ring to stay on blinking. I actually was able go move then 10 hours without a charge
wifi off
bt off
push email/ active sync
and live mail
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