Originally Posted by d94
2 things iv noticed
1. my evdo connection is always running
i checked the weather app and it isnt updating all the time
2. using nuetools - power app
my discharge sometimes goes upto 400/600ma which is far above where it should be (150-250)
anyone care to replicated my results and see if they cant find any info?
Mine goes up to about 5-600ma when ever my data arrows are white too, but when grey its at 150-170. With the backlight is on pretty bright, about 75%, with grey arrows, Im at about 250. Heres the weird part. when I plug in my charger, the charge indicator say 850ma, but if I make a call the discharge rate goes up to about 650, and the charge indicator drops to 450. If this is the case, does that mean the phone will discharge faster than it can be replenished? Meaning if Im on the phone when its plugged in, could the phone die? Seems weird....