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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2008, 10:25 PM
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Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2 - Download and Upgrade Instructions

While some users claim to have succesfully restored full backups with applications like Sprite and Spb Backup, most users will recommend you do not do it.

Here are some tips...

1.- Backup PIM with dotfred's PIMBackup (free).
2.- Save any personal files (pictures, notes, Office documents, etc.) on your SD card.
3.- Export settings of any apps if possible so setup is easier.
4.- Perform a hard reset.

5.- Use the Titan Re-Locker to re-lock your device if you ran the unlocker in the past.

(EDIT by ImCoKeMaN: It looks like 2.40 MFG will still work and is recommended)

FYI: the SPL included in this rom is version 2.06.0000 Titan SPL EVT Shipped, but special_4350.nbh has an MFG 2.03.1...ooops HTC.
WARNING: Use of the embedded Special_4350.nbh file can cause unrecoverable (currently) bricking of device (trust me I know!)

6.- Perform the ROM upgrade.
7.- Install everything manually after upgrading.

Once again, BACK UP your data. Your device will be hard reset and all data lost!!!

HTC Site's Official Upgrade Information

Originally Posted by HTC Mogul Update Site

Why update the ROM on your device?

The software upgrade posted below provides several key enhancements for your Mogul:

1.Adds EV-DO Rev.A functionality for faster download and upload speeds when transmitting data wherever EV-DO Rev. A coverage is available.
2.Adds advanced GPS functionality including the software for Sprint Navigation.
3.Adds a Task Manager to the Today screen for easier access and management of Running Programs.
4.Improves Bluetooth performance including usage with Phone As Modem and wireless stereo headsets.
5.Corrects an issue where Windows Live Messenger content may be erased when the device power cycles.

Please read the following important notes before starting the upgrade:

Before you proceed, please confirm that this software upgrade is a newer version than what is currently loaded on your device.

If it is the same version and your device is operating normally, there is no need to reload the software. To determine what version is running on your device, refer to the image on the left (the newest version is pictured) and note the ROM version and Radio version. Next, go to Start > Settings > System Tab > Device Information on your device. If your ROM and Radio versions are different than what is pictured at left or the ROM Date is older, you should upgrade.

Before you run the ROM Upgrade Utility (RUU), make sure you check and do the following first:

1. If you are having challenges connecting with ActiveSync, please try the following on your device: Start > Settings > Connection Tab > USB to PC and de-select Enable advanced network functionality.
2. The standby and hibernation modes are disabled on the computer. Click here to view instructions on how to do this. If using a laptop, make sure your laptop is plugged into a power source.
3. All running applications on the computer have been closed.
4. Ensure that your device has a battery level of at least 50% (Start > Settings > System Tab > Power > Battery Tab). If the battery "dies" during the upgrade process, there is a chance that it will not recover and will need to be sent for repairs.
5. The update can take up to 25 minutes so set aside time when you will not be interrupted.
6. All data will be deleted from the device during the upgrade (music, pictures, 3rd party applications, etc); be sure to back up all of your data using ActiveSync (Windows Mobile Device Center, if you are running Windows Vista) prior to upgrading. Click here to view detailed instructions on backing up your data using ActiveSync.
7. Do not interrupt the upgrade process or press any buttons until the process has been completed (the device will reset itself when the update is done).

General Procedure on Installing the ROM Update

1. Back up your personal data from the Mobile Device to your computer using ActiveSync (Windows Mobile Device Center, if you are running Windows Vista) if you want to ensure you don't lose any of your data. Click here to view detailed instructions on backing up your data using ActiveSync.
2. On your computer, run the ROM Update Utility (RUU) to install the ROM update to your Mobile Device. Click here to view detailed instructions on installing the ROM update.
3. Restore your personal data back to your Mobile Device using ActiveSync (Windows Mobile Device Center, if you are running Windows Vista). (Optional) Click here to view detailed instructions on restoring your data using ActiveSync.

WARNING: During the upgrade process, do not attempt to make/receive calls, press any buttons on your device or disconnect the device from the USB cable as this will stop the update and your device will be rendered inoperable!!!

Download Version 3.35.651.2
Installation Instructions

WARNING: Users should not attempt to load an older version of Mogul ROM software after loading version 3.35.651.2. Please delete any earlier versions of the Mogul ROM software you may have downloaded previously to your PC.
Having trouble Installing your ROM update? View the Troubleshooting Guide to find out how to recover from errors and get common installation questions answered.

If you misplaced the CD that came with your device, use the links below to download any software you need to synchronize your device with your computer.

ActiveSync (for Windows XP users)
Mobile Device Center (for Windows Vista Users)
Microsoft Outlook Trial Version (for Windows XP and Vista users)
WARNING: Use of the embedded Special_4350.nbh file can cause unrecoverable (currently) bricking of device (trust me I know!)
WARNING: Use of the embedded Special_4350.nbh file can cause unrecoverable (currently) bricking of device (trust me I know!)
ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Titan/RUU/ <-- link to directory the .nbh is included for renaming to TITAIMG.nbh and flashing via SD
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
ViewSonic gTablet - Flashback Honeycomb Alpha 10.1

Don't forget to Search first!

Last edited by ImCoKeMaN; 03-18-2008 at 11:48 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 12:51 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2 - Download and Upgrade Instructions

rapidShare Mirror: http://rapidshare.com/files/98447183..._Ship.exe.html ~ Thanks cj10488

MegaUpload Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CO9PD3WJ ~ Thanks Lsme420

Mirrior: ~ Thanks SiGGy

Mirrior: http://www.geek-pages.com/rom/RUU_TI...CS_AM_Ship.exe ~ Thanks kevank

Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/?mb4fwjy9k33 ~ Thanks willpower101 via Howard Forums

Information from BuzzAboutWireless: http://forums.buzzaboutwireless.com/...essage.id=3488 posted by Customer Equipment

Originally Posted by Customer Equipment
Today multiple news sites began posting stories about Sprint providing an update for the Mogul by HTC that would enable the handset to support EV-DO Rev. A speeds. Please be aware that this news is true. Sprint plans to post a software maintenance release for the Mogul by HTC on Monday, March 10. This update, version 3.35.651.2, will be available for download later today at www.america.htc.com/mogulupdate.

This maintenance release incorporates the awaited EV-DO Rev. A data speed support, additional GPS capabilities to support new applications like Sprint Navigation which provides turn-by-turn directions and fixes to improve performance of the device with Bluetooth, data tethering, messaging services and voice quality.

Sprint encourages all Mogul users to download this new software to ensure their device performs at optimal levels. Available later today, this free software ROM and downloading instructions will be available at: www.america.htc.com/mogulupdate

Sprint would also like to extend our thanks to those customers that have patiently waited for this update and will update communication on Buzz About Wireless once the link above is live and the software is formally available for download.

Last edited by Pibe38; 03-10-2008 at 03:22 PM.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 01:17 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2 - Download and Upgrade Instructions

I have been informed that re-locking your device, as pointed out on bullet point 5, is/may NOT be necessary.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 02:39 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2 - Download and Upgrade Instructions

The HTC site has just been updates, at least on my end. The screenshot still shows 2.17, but all the info and links were updated to the new ROM.

There's also a new design on their site, very nice if I may add.

The info from the HTC site has been added to the first post. However, I'm sure everyone wants to read the official word on what it includes if you have not updated yet...

Why update the ROM on your device?

The software upgrade posted below provides several key enhancements for your Mogul:

1. Adds EV-DO Rev.A functionality for faster download and upload speeds when transmitting data wherever EV-DO Rev. A coverage is available.

2. Adds advanced GPS functionality including the software for Sprint Navigation.

3. Adds a Task Manager to the Today screen for easier access and management of Running Programs.

4. Improves Bluetooth performance including usage with Phone As Modem and wireless stereo headsets.

5. Corrects an issue where Windows Live Messenger content may be erased when the device power cycles
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 03:42 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2 - Download and Upgrade Instructions

It seems some people do not believe this ROM is official because they don't see it on HTC's site.

If this site: http://www.america.htc.com/mogulupdate does not work for you try this site: http://www.htc.com/us/FAQ_Detail.aspx?p_id=75&act=sd

Keep in mind HTC's site has always been bad about updating, may be a propagation issue, a cache issue, or their new template.

Finally, both of those links have not updated the screenshot (may be a cache issue), please take the time to read the text and check the link.

  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 06:00 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2 - Download and Upgrade Instructions

I wanted to let everyone know that in order to use GPS you can use free programs such as...

Microsoft Live Search (Download) - Discussion
Google Maps (Download) - Discussion

Sprint's official navigation app is also included in the ROM, however, there may be an extra charge if it's not included on your plan.

Keep in mind I only read this info and post it since I do not own a Mogul.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2008, 04:54 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2 - Download and Upgrade Instructions

I have been reading that users not allowing the Sprint customization script run after the first time the device boots after the update have encountered issues.

So... after flashing, let the Sprint customization script run at least once and then hard reset and skip it.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2008, 12:50 AM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2 - Download and Upgrade Instructions

It was requested by a user to point out that there have been "some" problems upgrading w/a Vista PC. Most commonly the error at 11%. We recommend using an XP machine if possible. Here is what HobbesIsReal has reported:

Originally Posted by HobbesIsReal View Post
Yes, it can be done on Vista. A lot of people have been successful using Vista to up their 6800 with the latest ROM update.......but everyone that reported getting to 11% and failed, then stuck on the color test page with only getting 1% with the 238 bad command error....have all used Vista to try to update their phone (me included).

So if you use Vista you MIGHT be able to update your ROM on your phone with no problems at all. But all of the 238 error code failures have been using a Vista machine.

The bottom line is if you use XP you should not have any problems, if you use Vista you are taking a chance of having to do three things:
1) Install it without any problems and enjoy the new ROM.
2) Take it in to sprint to replace it when you stuck on the color test page after the ROM updated failed.
3) Go to an XP machine to recover from the failed ROM update and reprogram your phone so you can use it after the ROM is installed.
That just about sums it up.
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