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Old 03-20-2008, 12:50 AM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2 - Download and Upgrade Instructions

It was requested by a user to point out that there have been "some" problems upgrading w/a Vista PC. Most commonly the error at 11%. We recommend using an XP machine if possible. Here is what HobbesIsReal has reported:

Originally Posted by HobbesIsReal View Post
Yes, it can be done on Vista. A lot of people have been successful using Vista to up their 6800 with the latest ROM update.......but everyone that reported getting to 11% and failed, then stuck on the color test page with only getting 1% with the 238 bad command error....have all used Vista to try to update their phone (me included).

So if you use Vista you MIGHT be able to update your ROM on your phone with no problems at all. But all of the 238 error code failures have been using a Vista machine.

The bottom line is if you use XP you should not have any problems, if you use Vista you are taking a chance of having to do three things:
1) Install it without any problems and enjoy the new ROM.
2) Take it in to sprint to replace it when you stuck on the color test page after the ROM updated failed.
3) Go to an XP machine to recover from the failed ROM update and reprogram your phone so you can use it after the ROM is installed.
That just about sums it up.
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