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Old 03-02-2010, 01:52 AM
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Lightbulb [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Edited to have consistency with RainFreaks How To
Edited 3/23/2010 to revise backup/restore process and simplified root process
Edited 3/24/2010 to revise installing Recovery v2.0 if not built into the selected custom kernel
Edited 4/4/2010 added Vampirefo's info on batch backup/remove system apps
Edited 5/13/2010 added rooted files since sites seem to be down

Thanks to Joeykrim, SpeedRabbit and Zeife for making the custom kernels; RainFreak and CarlaDarla for willingness to share their knowledge. We're all still learning here

If your phone does not have CL14 Maintenance Update or the Official Sprint CL14 Update on it this how to is not intended for your phone. All others need to read RainFreaks How To Guide here. The root process within this thread only pertains to Samsung Moment running Android 1.5 phones running Andoid 2.1 have a different process
How To: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box (or Officially Updated CL14 from Sprint), Backup/Restore Customization (non-rooted Official Sprint CL14 Updated phone only) and remove system apps
The purpose of this how to is to explain to uses that have CL14 on their phones out the box (or Official Sprint CL14 Update on phone non-rooted) how to update and gain root access. This is going to be done using Zefie's instructions (which I hope I've simplified) and using Zefie's Kernel (As of this how to he was on version ZE13.3) Most of us that have CL14 already on our phones whether we went to Sprint and received the update or if our phone just came with CL14 have had difficulties rooting our phones. Usually this would take downgrading your phone and then upgrading with the appropriate tar file to gain CL14 and root. Another thing I hope to explain is how to backup your entire phone with all of your personalized settings. After backing up your phone, you will then be able to factory reset your phone, restore the phone with your backup with all your personalized settings. I have tested these method and it worked great.
Here's where I got my initial information (http://midnightchannel.net/kernelrom...e%27s-kernels/)
The HOW TO is written from the experience I had following that very broad description, this was my first time
I'd also like to thank RainFreak and CarlaDarla for all the information they provided throughout the Samsung Moment thread(s)
I flashed my phone using the Sprint Utility on Windows 7. If your phone has been previously rooted, please install Sprints Official CL14 Update first. These instructions will only work on non-rooted CL14 updated phones. Joeykrim and SpeedRabitt's kernels do not come with Recovery v2.0 which can be added to their kernels, Zefie's kernel does have Recovery v2.0 built in. Instructions on how to add Recovery v2.0 is included in this how to. Thanks to COWHEAD for making me aware of this variation between the kernels
Sprint Utility (http://www6.sprint.com/downloads/sam...ent_Update.exe) Download/Install
7-Zip (http://www.7-zip.org) Download/Install

You choose which you want to use
Find latest Joeykrim kernel and download (uploaded)
Find latest SpeedRabbit kernel and download (uploaded)
Find latest Zefie kernel and download (uploaded)

1. Make sure your phone is not connected to your computer
2. Install Sprint Utility using default settings
3. Uncompress downloaded kernel using 7-Zip (if compressed)
4. Browse to C:\PROGRAM FILES\SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS\SWUPGRADE\MODELS\BINARY and backup exiting file, remove file after backing up
5. Making sure the BINARY folder is empty, copy kernel to the BINARY foler
7. Run SWUPDATE.EXE and follow the prompts, when successful you phone will reboot
8. Check build MENU>SETTINGS>ABOUT PHONE>BUILD NUMBER if it reads CUSTOM KERNEL VERSION you've rooted your phone

Backup Data and System
1. Install all the apps you want, configure/customize your phone to your liking
2. Power off your phone
3. Volume Down + Talk + End/Power (in that order) you will enter the recovery mode
special note: recovery mode screenshot if don't see this then install Recovery v2.0 after downloading, you start step 1 in ROOTING using Recovery_2.0.tar as your kernel this will not delete any data
4. Using Optical joystick, navigate to DATA OPTIONS press joystick for OK
5. Select BACKUP on next menu, press HOME to start the data backup
6. After data backup is complete press BACK to go back to main menu and select SYSTEM OPTIONS press joystick for OK
7. Select BACKUP on next menu, press HOME to start system backup
8. After system backup is complete, press BACK and REBOOT PHONE NOW
9. Now your DATA and SYSTEM are backed up

Restore Data and System
1. Volume Down + Talk + End/Power to enter recovery mode
2. Use Optical Joystick to scroll down menu to DATA OPTIONS, press Optical Joystick for OK
3. Choose RESTORE press Optical Joystick for OK
4. Press HOME to start the backup you selected, wait for backup to complete
5. After complete, go back and select SYSTEM OPTIONS, press Optical Joystick for OK
6. Choose RESTORE press Optical Joystick for OK
7. After complete, go back and REBOOT PHONE

Remember you can backup or restore data and system individually too
I have tested the steps above and did successfully restore my phone, even OpenHome and all its settings... very pleased!

If your phone is not noticed or connected to the Sprint Utility, close the program and go here
I'm not responsible for any of your actions or results, especially if you brick your phone. You should read and reread the instructions and make sure that you understand the necessary steps before you start making any changes to your phone. Keep an eye on each kernel developers wiki's for updates or problems with their kernels. As a courtesy I'll post them. Remember, gather all the information you can then decide if rooting your phone is something you want to peruse. Good Luck!
Kernel Information by Developer
Joeykrim's Kernel
SpeedRabbit's Kernel
Zefie's Kernel
Remove System Apps:
(Info I found on another forum)
1. Download ConnectBot from Market (open ConnectBot, connect to Local) or some other terminal emulator
2. Type su and press enter
3. Remount the file system as read/write to allow system file removal. Type remount rw press enter
4. Type in cd system/app press enter
5. Use the following command to backup Bejeweled to SDCard
cat Bejeweled.apk > /sdcard/Bejeweled.apk
rm Bejeweled.apk
6. Follow the same steps to remove other System Apps.
7. When complete type remount ro to put the file system back into read-only state, and press enter.
8. Type reboot to reboot the phone.
Note: Make sure the app you're removing isn't running
Here's a list of applications that Calkulin removed
Originally Posted by Calkulin View Post
12.5MB in all
Brightness.apk (Does not affect auto brightness)
LatinIME.apk (Default SIP)
SDSA.apk (Device Self Service)
shutdown.apk (Low battery shutdown)
SN21_Samsung_Q-1187-signed.apk (Sprint Naviation)
xms-android-1.0.42-prod.apk (Photo & Video Places)
RainFreak has an extensive writeup on removing system apps in his HowTo, he also posted it in this thread http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...3&postcount=14
Vampriefo explains how to use a bash script he wrote, this will back up your systems apps as well as remove them, read his information here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=116988

Make sure to thank these guys on their respective threads and I don't just mean say THANK, just click their button oh yeah, you can click mine too
Attached Files
File Type: zip joeykrim-SDX-Final1.9.5.zip (2.69 MB, 226 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip speedrabbit-SDX-1.7.zip (2.72 MB, 120 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by elephant007; 05-15-2010 at 02:49 PM. Reason: make uniform with RainFreak HOW TO
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 02:44 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

good write up. my only problem is that nothing is updating. the SWupdater is stuck at the "UPDATING DO NOT DISCONNECT!"
and the update box says Ready.. but nothing is happening, been about 20 minutes...

yeah nothing happens for me. even unplugging and restarting phone has no trace of anything happening...damn this is a PITA to root for me for some reason, the Hero was so easy.

Last edited by Brock1909; 03-02-2010 at 03:20 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 03:30 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Im having the same problem as Brock..
its been awhile..i got nothin clever..yet!...PS3 MVC3 PSN-ddark4eva
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 09:41 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Make sure you are renaming the Zefie kernel to
and start over...

I too ran into the same problem until I renamed his kernel
When I renamed it, I tried again and it zoomed by and updated my phone
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 09:43 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Nice work elephant007! You just saved me the trouble of the second "how to" that I started on Sunday

I recommend that you send Frosty a quick PM and ask him to sticky this thread; I am certain that he will be more than happy to oblige!
"I remember, way back in the day, this site was hoppin' with members, posts, and some great development."
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 10:26 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

I did rename it and still just says "ready" and the bottom left corner reads [DEBUG]SetupConnection ...an yes my drivers are installed my phone is detected
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 10:31 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Originally Posted by ddark4eva View Post
i did rename it, im on another pc now and now wen i click start update it says cannot open bin file...any thoughts?
A few things I can think of
1. Is that the only file in the BIN folder?
2. Did you make sure you are showing file extensions on your computer?
3. Make sure the file ends in .TAR

By Windows default settings, files do not show extensions. It is very important in the steps above to show file extensions in order to get the file name correct.

Windows XP

Windows 7
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 10:47 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

ok solved that "bin" problem, but again it jus says ready and nothing happens.....this phone jus doesnt want to be rooted im about to return it....but theres nothin else good out
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 11:13 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Originally Posted by ddark4eva View Post
ok solved that "bin" problem, but again it jus says ready and nothing happens.....this phone jus doesnt want to be rooted im about to return it....but theres nothin else good out
What problem did you have with the BIN? I between my posts I upgraded to ZE14, I'm not sure why you're having problems. You are clicking on Start Software Download button on the final screen, aren't you?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 11:32 AM
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Re: HOW TO: Gain Root Access on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customizations

Originally Posted by Brock1909 View Post
good write up. my only problem is that nothing is updating. the SWupdater is stuck at the "UPDATING DO NOT DISCONNECT!"
and the update box says Ready.. but nothing is happening, been about 20 minutes...

yeah nothing happens for me. even unplugging and restarting phone has no trace of anything happening...damn this is a PITA to root for me for some reason, the Hero was so easy.
I was having the same issue but mine wasnt working because of other samsung drivers that was installed. I suggest going to add/remove programs and uninstall anything samsung including the update utility, restart pc then reinstall the utility and try again. mine worked instantly after i did that. hope that helps...an yess tryin to root this has been a real PITA
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