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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2010, 10:05 AM
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unknown dialer popping up.

hi guys. its rare i post a new thread, because most things can be found by simply searching/ this one is stumping me. on my gf's stock 6.5 sprint tp2, i saw a different dialer. not the htc dialer, not the winmo dialer you can gain access to with advancedconfig, but some strange 3rd dialer. the first thing i thought since i hadnt seen it yet, was that microsoft changed thier original winmo dialer in 6.5. so i disable the htc dialer(or is it a dialer skin?) did a soft reset, and it was the same old winmo dialer. i reenabled the htc dialer and am now trying to figure out what the heck this was. the circumstances around it were as follows:
the phone was 100% dead.
*i turned it on, then was about to plug it in.
*before i could get to the plug, i got a 777 error. im assuming it was trying to check her email or something, but the cell radio was off since it was deader than hell.
*this different dialer popped up. i think it was mostly orange and green.
one of the weird things was that there was no talk or end buttons. it was just the 10 numbers,#,*, and 1 button that said enter.
im posting pics of the htc dialer and the winmo dialer. it was neither of these. im trying to replicate it now and will post that pic if and when i can find it again.
has anyone else seen or heard of this? know what it is or does?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2010, 11:53 AM
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Re: unknown dialer popping up.

Did you check to see if any dialers or dialer skins were installed? Does it show up normally or was it only under those circumstances?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2010, 12:05 PM
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Re: unknown dialer popping up.

it is bone stock sprint 6.5 except facebook app from market place and a few games i added for her. i added advanced config right after, just to see the standard winmo dialer.
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