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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2011, 10:30 PM
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[ROM] joeykrim-original-1.2.0 Odex *Stock Rooted 2.08.651.2* Aug 21st 2011

Create a stock ROM with a completely stock system to be customized however the user wants and include developer tools. I run this on my device and wanted to share with any who want.

Root access and NAND unlock is required to load this ROM. If you already have these two things, skip this section!
The best methods to accomplish this:
Root Access and Custom Recovery
Load revolutionary - this will permanently NAND unlock S-OFF and allow a custom recovery to be loaded along with root access. Revolutionary documentation.
Latest Radio Thread

Technical Details:
This ROM gives you the original stock system as a complete template allowing the user full control over customization.
This ROM incorporates the latest software version 2.08.651.2 with some developer applications (root, busybox, eng RUU /xbin tools, flash_image and remount).
Other ROMs require manual deletion of the dalvik cache. This ROM clears dalvik cache automatically.
Developer apps included in /system/xbin: busybox, flash_image, remount shortcut script, and ENG RUU binaries.
Latest Stock Kernel included.

Load this ROM onto the root of the sdcard.
Different methods to load the ROM:adb push, mounting sdcard to host computer, downloading directly through the browser on the EVO or through Koush's ROM Manager (available in the Market).
Boot into recovery. A custom recovery with NAND unlocked (for write access) is REQUIRED.
Wipe of /data (referred to as wipe of data/factory reset) is recommended! If you'd prefer not to and feel adventurous, there is a script which can help port 3rd party apps and settings when switching between ROMs, fix_permissions.sh (also included in CWM recovery and on the Market). For more info - Cyanogen's Wiki.
From the custom recovery of your choice, Select Install/Apply .zip and select this ROM .zip file.
Confirm the flash and it print out the details as it loads. The Stock ROM is large. Will take a few minutes to load
Select reboot.
The initial boot when the standard Sprint 4G boot animation appears, will take much longer to load because the davlik cache has been cleared. Give it a few minutes. Once the dalvik-cache has been built, all further boots will be much quicker.
To make sure the ROM was applied successfully, check for root access by using the su command and the prompt should show # instead of $ and Software Version number: 2.08.651.2.

joeykrim.com - jk-original-1.2.0-odex-signed.zip
3b97d10536052773ec39a5ddf04cad87 jk-original-1.2.0-odex-signed.zip
joeykrim.com - jk-original-1.2.0-odex.zip
41dc570266c8cebf07c5c16655bfc076 jk-original-1.2.0-odex.zip

Mirror - thanks DrMac and Snipa
goo-inside.me - jk-original-1.2.0-odex-signed.zip
goo-inside.me - jk-original-1.2.0-odex.zip

Mirror - thanks MobGod
evo3dev.com - jk-original-1.2.0-odex-signed.zip
evo3dev.com - jk-original-1.2.0-odex.zip

Change Log:

1.2.0 - August 21st 2011
  • Based on the 2.08.651.2 RUU
  • Stripped cryptography signature from boot kernel to support custom kernels (thanks Zanzdroid!)

1.0.1 - August 16th 2011
  • Repacked ramdisk in stock kernel
  • Updated output in updater-script file

1.0 - August 16th 2011
  • Used RUU_Shooter_S_Sprint_WWE_1.13.651.7_Radio_0.97.10. 0530_NV_NV_SPCS_1.16_release_198109_signed.exe as system software and kernel base.
  • Added ENG arm compiled developer tools to xbin
Please provide any feedback or suggestions. This is my first EVO 3D ROM and it will only get better with your help and support!

If you want the superuser.apk, [APP] Superuser - Now on the Market [2010-09-05]

To show my appreciate for reading through the whole first post, or at least skimming, I'm usually on IRC and willing to help.
irc.freenode.net - #sdx-developers and #HTC-EVO-3D

Custom Application Removal:
A web site which allow individual applications to be selected for removal. It produces an update.zip file to automate the process of backup and removal!
[Beta ROM Builder] Create Custom Application Backup-Removal Update.zip - xda-developers

To Do List:
Deodex version

Appreciate all the help and support! Open to feedback. Please post your questions, concerns, issues and experiences. Thanks!!

Last edited by joeykrim; 08-27-2011 at 05:45 PM. Reason: Updated mirror to version 1.2.0
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2011, 03:36 PM
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Re: [ROM] joeykrim-original-1.0 Odex *Stock Rooted 1.13.651.7* Aug 16th 2011

Good to see you posting your ROM here man, always solid ROMs!.....I used your EVO 4G base a time or 2.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2011, 08:38 AM
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Re: [ROM] joeykrim-original-1.0 Odex *Stock Rooted 1.13.651.7* Aug 16th 2011

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
Good to see you posting your ROM here man, always solid ROMs!.....I used your EVO 4G base a time or 2.
Thanks for the support OMJ! I didn't know you had used my ROM for a base on the EVO. I feel flattered!

Updated the OP with download links for the latest stock version, 2.08.651.2!
Appreciate all the positive feedback and support!
Let me know if there are any issues or concerns. I've been running this latest version for the last 24 hours and its been great!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2011, 09:16 PM
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Re: [ROM] joeykrim-original-1.2.0 Odex *Stock Rooted 2.08.651.2* Aug 21st 2011

I just wanted to ask you is everything still there as far as all the sprint stuff????
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2011, 09:19 PM
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Re: [ROM] joeykrim-original-1.2.0 Odex *Stock Rooted 2.08.651.2* Aug 21st 2011

Originally Posted by Macho View Post
I just wanted to ask you is everything still there as far as all the sprint stuff????
yes, everything is still there. nothing has been removed.

I've provided a separate tool for removing the stock apps including sprint stuff. A web site which allows individual applications to be selected for removal. It produces an update.zip file to automate the process of backup and removal of stock apps! More info:
EDIT: Updated link - http://forum.sdx-developers.com/index.php?topic=17081

Last edited by joeykrim; 08-22-2011 at 01:59 PM. Reason: updated link
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2011, 11:46 AM
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Re: [ROM] joeykrim-original-1.0 Odex *Stock Rooted 1.13.651.7* Aug 16th 2011

Originally Posted by joeykrim View Post
Thanks for the support OMJ! I didn't know you had used my ROM for a base on the EVO. I feel flattered!
I always prefer using the RUU as my base & customizing.....but until a RUU surfaces, I'll use a pre-made base.

Originally Posted by joeykrim View Post
yes, everything is still there. nothing has been removed.

I've provided a separate tool for removing the stock apps including sprint stuff. A web site which allows individual applications to be selected for removal. It produces an update.zip file to automate the process of backup and removal of stock apps! More info: [Alpha ROM Builder] Create Custom Application Backup-Removal Update.zip - xda-developers
I saw your thread @ xda, very nice tool for anyone that wants to remove the sprint stuff!!!

on a side note, I just saw your "Flash Image GUI" app in the market....that's bad ass dude!

didn't u also have a app to check your wimax keys?

edit, I see the wimax checker, will it work for the 3D?

Last edited by OMJ; 08-22-2011 at 11:51 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2011, 02:03 PM
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Re: [ROM] joeykrim-original-1.0 Odex *Stock Rooted 1.13.651.7* Aug 16th 2011

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
on a side note, I just saw your "Flash Image GUI" app in the market....that's bad ass dude!
hah thanks. i've spent a few too many hours working on the Flash Image GUI app!

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
didn't u also have a app to check your wimax keys?
edit, I see the wimax checker, will it work for the 3D?
i looked into coding it for the evo 3d, but i have yet to hear of anybody losing their wimax keys on the evo 3d. until somebody figures out a way to erase their keys on the evo 3d, i figure it won't be much of an issue.

if you've heard anything, link me up as i dont think its as easy to accidently accomplish as it was on the evo!
appreciate the support!
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