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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 07:53 PM
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Etiquette of constructive criticism 101

It seems there are some people who are simply unaware that their posts about a different rom software (upgrades section of your favorite device) actually matter. Most developers take the time to read what everyone says, and makes changes to please as many people as possible.

To help make it easier on our Rom Chefs, Skinners, Modders, and everyone else who contributes to our great community, I have created a guideline to help everyone from the n00b to the VIP get the absolute most out of their PPCGEEKS experience.

Table of Contents:
    • Tip 1: be specific
    • Tip 2: if you don't know how to fix the problem, don't become one.
    • Tip 3: Donating to a particular developer or project does not make you King Hippo. A donation is only a donation.
    • Tip 4: Use the search function.
    • Tip 5: Know when Thanks are appropriate.
Constructive Criticism Tip 1: be specific.
"this rom is soooo buggy. phone always locks up, never does what i want it to, this is stupid, i cant believe we waited this long for this crap, etc" does not help anyone.

The more posts a developer has to read and decipher, the longer it takes to fix the problems a rom has. If you do have a completely buggy experience with the rom, there are a few factors out of the chute that might be causing them.
  1. bad download: software on the internet actually isn't stored next door to you. sometimes it can be stored thousands of miles away. sometimes while going to your computer, glitches, misplaced data, etc happens. Try to re-download and see if you get the same problem.
  2. Bad flash: 1 word. Task29. this program mimics a function that "stock" roms preform and wipes out all data on a phone, just so there isnt any traces of software that could be left over from a previous build.
  3. Need for Clear storage: Usually, after an update utility finishes, it removes most installer files to ensure the Maximum memory available. In most cases, some of the software is left behind, and just takes up space. A clear storage can help ensure you get the most out of a rom.
If none of these fix the problem, next step is to let the developer know their rom is acting weird on your phone. when letting them know, try to be precise. They are "troubleshooting" your phone without looking at it, so unless you draw them a picture, they are shooting blanks.

Things like:
  • This rom seemed to freeze every time I entered "x" application.
  • I keep getting "Application error 500" whenever I use the File Explorer
  • My Touch Pro 2 keeps typing an "F" any time i slide the keyboard out after switching out to baller-status rom
These things are actually helpful in isolating problems with particular builds.
Constructive Criticism Tip 2: if you don't know how to fix the problem, don't become one.
Contrary to popular belief, there is not a perfect rom. I am sorry, but perfect rom's and Santa Clause all live together in imagination land. Unless somebody in their "infinite wisdom" builds an imaginary car that goes there, that's the way its gonna be. Developers use their free time to try to make something that pleasing for mostly everybody.

If you aren't pleased with a rom version, please be constructive about it:

  • What don't you like about it?
  • What problems are you having?
  • What would you like to see?
Do you not like having to customize everything every time you flash? there are programs specially built in to help you make the best of your experience. All you have to do is ask!
On the other hand, if you are a developer, software programmer, or a user with skill in fixing or modding things, let us know! Its helpful to have a problem fixed before the rom developer even takes a look at it. gives them more free time to partake in human pleasures, instead of keeping their eyes glued to the screen all night long.

Examples of this are:
  • "my phone wont lock whenever i flip it up side down" Ive had this problem too! i just installed this .cab file and it worked like a charm!
  • "Whenever I access text messages, my phone completely resets" my version does this as well. after pouring through the registry, I see that HTC messenger is set to access a program that doesn't exist anymore. I have notified (programmer x) via PM so they can integrate it into their next release. do this (insert temp fix instructions here) and you should be good!

Constructive Criticism Tip 3: Donating to a particular developer or project does not make you King Hippo. A donation is only a donation.
I will go ahead and apologize if this post causes any people to refrain from donating. but this is something that has to be said.

A donation does not make you project manager, slave driver, or entitle you to be a jerk. it only entitles you to a sense of pride that you are supporting the hard work of someone else. other than that, you don't get special privileges, you aren't entitled to beta test things, you don't get special support, and you definitely don't get permission to gripe and complain when things don't go your way.

Constructive Criticism Tip 4: Use the Search Function.
As many have already said, the search function of this website isn't the best. i don't know if its because there are 11 billion posts on this website, or we just don't know how to use it right. Either way, search is there and its kinda helpful if you know how to work it.

Originally Posted by veedubguru View Post
1. Go to Google.com (That one seems obvious!)
2. In the search bar type "MY SEARCH site:forum.ppcgeeks.com" (without quotes)

That second part will make Google look for your search term ONLY on PPCGEEKS.COM!

MY SEARCH should be replaced with what text you're looking for. You can type in any search term and use the operator SITE: followed by a web address and Google will search that site only. Since all the forum posts come up with the forum.ppcgeeks.com URL format, this must be used after the SITE: operator, not just ppcgeeks.com.

This can be really helpful when you're doing a search for software version numbers (since it almost never works on this site's search feature, found that out looking for Arcsoft MMS), or for any search terms that don't meet the "3 letter rule" on the PPCGeeks search.

Constructive Criticism Tip 5: Know when Thanks are appropriate.
Thanks are a wonderful thing. Thanks lets the poster know they did a good job. Thanks should be given when something constructive has taken place. Too many thanks are given on bogus posts, and not enough thanks are given when really necessary. Do your part. Thank a developer. Let us all give thanks.

To say it short, your opinion does matter. Whether you have a bug fix, request, or even a problem, how you state your opinion greatly affects your outcome.
WM 6.5 may be being phased, but the heartbeat of the windows mobile community is like a heard of elk.
Actually the windows mobile community is more like a rabbit family than a heard of elk. all it takes is a slight bit of action and next thing you know theres a million of them.

Last edited by newkidd; 06-22-2010 at 12:22 PM. Reason: trying to make things look pretty
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 08:03 PM
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Re: Etiquette of constructive criticism 101

Moved to the Touch Pro 2 forum.
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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Old 06-10-2010, 08:06 PM
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Re: Etiquette of constructive criticism 101

I'm impressed! For being fairly new(kidd), you did well. Might try to be a little more respectful in the post, as some ppl will stop reading after being insulted. That said...

Maybe add something about SEARCHING FIRST. Almost ANY issue can be addressed with the "search" button or Google. I've had to ask a couple specific questions since I started flashing back on my TP1, and everything else was answered by searching. Most likely, you are not the only one having the problem and someone else already posted about it, or posted a fix for it. If you are the only one, then you probably messed something up yourself.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 08:11 PM
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Re: Etiquette of constructive criticism 101

+1 to this, very well put and I think that everyone should take the time to read this.
Stock and Rooted

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 08:28 PM
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Re: Etiquette of constructive criticism 101

Great post but dont expect too many people to follow. Since I been here alot of people like to smash and bash. The only way they learn thier lesson when they get banned.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 08:37 PM
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Re: Etiquette of constructive criticism 101

Thats true, but as long as its around, it can be referred to. hey here is a thread where all your problems are solved. oh wait its about being respectful. what is this respect thing? ive never heard of it!

its kinda like drugs. if you can get them to do it once they are hooked.
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Old 06-10-2010, 09:06 PM
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Re: Etiquette of constructive criticism 101

Made things a little bit nicer. maybe i should change the title to something about naked pictures or something. kind of like using a picnic basket to draw in yogi bear....
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 09:11 PM
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Re: Etiquette of constructive criticism 101

Originally Posted by newkidd View Post
Made things a little bit nicer. maybe i should change the title to something about naked pictures or something. kind of like using a picnic basket to draw in yogi bear....

Edit looks good. Thanks given!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 10:34 PM
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Re: Etiquette of constructive criticism 101

This is a great read, all valid points with thought and meaning behind the ideals of becoming a productive forum member.

Though sometimes no matter how tact and respectful you are in giving constructive criticism, some developers take insult instead of appreciating you giving an opinion on a feature or 'bug'

I recommend everyone reads this thread, it should be 'stickied' to the top
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Old 06-10-2010, 10:45 PM
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Re: Etiquette of constructive criticism 101

I agree with the entire post except I do get a little irritated with the posters who answer EVERY SINGLE POST by saying "use the search function"

First of all, this site has hands down the worst search function I have ever used period. I spent 20 minutes the other day looking for something I knew for a fact was here & never found it.

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