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View Poll Results: Which version of android are you on?
Android 2.1 18 2.25%
Android 2.2 782 97.75%
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Old 06-10-2010, 11:21 PM
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Master Kimosabi
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Question 7.14.11 ROM Database (197) 5 new roms, updates to all, deleted 2.1 Roms

There is no such thing as a bad ROM (at least on this list). I encourage you all to try them all!! That is the only way to see which works. I personally went through most of the list to find the one that suited me. I would do a poll but that would only state the on you ended up with. What if you like 2 or 3 of the ROMS?

****Remember, gotta be rooted and backed up!****
unrevoked3 v3.31
->->To unlock NAND!<-<- (to flash Fresh and other newer ROMS)
->->Newest Unlock Method<-<-

2.3 Roms
*Updated* WORKING NETFLIX! NEW! [AllianceROM][r7.6] HybriD 3D + Themes & MODS - eVoKINGS
[WIP] ACEvo GB - Desire HD/S Gingerbread Port (2.3.3 & 2.3.2 w/ Sense 2.1) - xHausx
BETA] AOSP 2.3.4 Gingerbread HTC Evo w/ New gTalk - lithid-cm
barnaclesMod [Sense-OTA] [6.22.11] - barnacles10
AOSP ROM] Bdubs [ Blue_Sickness aka sick with it ] UPDATED 5/10 - B-dub25
Blue-Haze-v1 [Updated 3/30]!!!! - B-dub25
Blue_Haze_2.2 - B-dub25
B.O.S Kingdom Port R8 [6.26.11] WORKING NETFLIX & WATCH APP- bmxerkid954
BOYPPC-SHIFTPDA_CM7 GINGER_HoneyComB & Sense.s (07.may) - boyppc
*Updated* / 7-4 ] Calkulin's EViO 3 v1.0 [ 4.24 l Gingerbread l Undervolted l Tweaked ] - Calkulin
CM7 WITH STOCK Gingerbread Launcher (NO ADW) - fennix2010
CyanogenMod-7 for EVO :: V7.0.3.1 (05/06/2011) - Cyanogen
*New* [06/27/11] CyanogenMod-7.1 for EVO :: (V7.1-RC1) - Cyanogen
DEoXed CyanogenMod-7 EVO  Fried Green tomatoes TEST v0.92  [update 04.23.2011] - tommytomatoe
Dominus_Sigma "Evolved Rom Edition" 6/09 - KRATOS313
*Dead Link* Droid X Port - Wujiku
[6.23.11]EVOlvedROMs™ SHiFTeD V2.01 || [THEMES][6.24.11][POST:2]EVOlvedSKINZ™ - EVOlvedAndroid
4.30.11 - EVOZone CM - PURE - RIPTIDE - zone23
(6-2 Ginger-AleV5 AvA-Modified - Avalaunchmods
[DEV] Gingerbread 2.3 [DEV] - barnacles10
End of Days 5/5/11 - MagnusRagnarok
[05-25-11] Evervolv | GRJ22/Android 2.3.4 | v1.1.0b3 | Mucho dinero! - preludedrew
EvoNonsenseGB(6/24),OTA 4.24.651.1 - tjohnsonjr
eVoKINGS Black Titanitum - eVoKings
*Updated* 07/02/11 | Fresh Evo 4.2 | Gingerbread 2.3.3 | New OTA + CIQ Stripped (again) - Flipzmode
*Dead Link* Hyperion Series Rom "The High-One" - Kratos313
★ ☆ ★|ROM LEAK| Kingdom Sprint WWE 0.81.651.0 | 2.3.3 |★ ☆ ★ - XxXViRuSXxX
*Link Down* NEW Kings Sense GB- TWO POINT THREE v.2 [KS2.3] 4/17/11 - eVokings
*Updated* [7-9-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.2.1][2.3.4 Stable]- deck
Missed Me 2.3 rom - Mien651
[KingsROM][ACS] NEW KingsROM Ultra BeatDown GB-R4 [GBKUB]-5/5/11] " BRUTAL " - eVoKings
*Updated* [7/13/2011] - MikG v2.3 - Re-Engineered GB Sense 2.1 + 3.0 - aamikam
Misfit GB Sense-Odex 4/23/2011 - MiSfit211
MisFitSense(4G)(GB)(Sense 2.1)(6/21/2011)(OTA ZIP)(netflix)Simply Fast - MiSfit211
My_Kingdom_B1R4.0 [6.27.11] SENSE 3.0 [Update] [Update] - Macropoutsis
*Updated* OMFGB 1.3.0 - R2DoesInc.
[Pure Gingerbread]OMGB 1.1.2(Working Now!) - R2DoesInc.
*dead link* phillyfinest Evo 4G v1.0.0 GingerBread Edition (Leaked Version)- puertoblack2003
OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11* -O.M.J
*Updated* [AOSP MIUI][StabilityConfirmed 7|8][Official MIUI.US Release 1.7.8] - Tyzing
[AOSP][GB 2.3.4] Savaged-Zen(MOD) [RC4] Updated 5/17 - jsseidel1
04-14 Salvage-Mod 1.2.1 GB! What are you waiting for? - echoside
*Updated* SalvageMod 1.3 [2.3.4] [7.6.11] - echoside
SkyRaider For EVO 4G Version 4.2[Updated:6-28-11] - vinchenzop
*New* (6-27-11) SNS Gingerbread v1.3, OTA 4.24 Sense, Now W/ Alternate Rosies- ldc2335
*Updated* [7/11/11] [Sprint Lovers Evolution: Beta 3] 2.3.3 GB-4.24.651.1 OTA|Big Changes! - Chris1683
*New* ░▒▓[SteelROM v1.07]▓▒░ WORKING NETFLIX! | v4.24.651.1 DeOdexed | 2.3.3 | GB | 7/10/11- SteelH
[STOCK] --- Version 4.22.651.2 --- Odexed & De-Odexed --- - xHausx
[LEAK][TEST] SuperSonic_GB_Sprint_WWE_4.12.651.1 - wdfowty
*New* Synergy - [RC1 06/27/2011] - The Result Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts - Myn **Currently Using**↑
*Updated* TeamXron Evo3d Port World's First 7/7/11 - Wujiku
Ti-X EVOLUTION GingerBread 1-13-11 1.03 - dc13
6-11-11 Ti-X EVOLUTION GingerBread OTA Based 4.24 - dc13
█VirusROM GengerSense ReV™ █ ◄●|10 MAY|B4|●► █ [Gingerbread]●[2.3.3]●[Sense 2.1] █- XxXViRuSXxX
*Updated* ║▌ ║▌││░ | ROM | JUL 14| Synergy-Kingdom | NIGHTLYS | 2.3.3 | SENSE 3.0 |░ █║▌ ║ - XxXViRuSXxX
gginggerbread-6] - Wimax for cm7 is officially merged with the cm7 codebase!- #TeamWin

2.2 Roms
[5-24-11][1975jamie's] H.R. Giger - 1975jamie
[4-9-11] [1975jamie] Twilight Zrom [ODEX] - 1975jamie
AC-ROM-v.2.8 11/7- beezy420
AM Evolution -> Non Sense [V-1] [15th August] -ahmgsk
Ava-FroyoHD ALPHA TESTERS ONLY 10/1- Avalaunchmods
Ava-Froyo Z3 Overhaul. New look,Performance,Battery - Avalaunchmods
Azrael X v5.0 BETA (Guess who is back?) 06/23/2011 - ricsim78
B.O.S HD rom series by SACS / / 2.16.11 BOS HD FINAL -sac23
BOS Inspired // 4/11/11 Beta v4 -sac23
B.O.S Liquid Metal (OLD UI) AND NEW B.O.S ROYAL LIQUID(NEW UI) 3.28.11 -sac23
B.O.S Stock Sense -sac23
bAdDroid 2.2 (10/18/10) - lexknight
Baked Pastries Beta 2.2 Fast/Stable/BatterySaving/JIT/100% FLASH 7/23- Hero_Over
BakedSnack 1.8 -Hero_Over
12/19 BareSteelROM Rev 0.02 - Bare bones ROM, almost no Sense, OTA 3.70 - kf2mq
BcSense Blend v1.0 (3.70 based) *The Beginning* - bcnice20
[11-17-10]**beliEVO Frosty v2.1 & 2.1b (apps2sd)[3.30.651.3] & v2.1c**[Sense] - jdeloach
Burnt Droid - 1.4.2 - by netarchy (07-Jan-2011) Updated with 3.70.651.1 base -netarchy
[2-9 ] Calkulin's EViO 2 v1.8 [ 3.70 l Battery Saver script w/ Profiles ] -Calkulin
[1-12 ] Calkulin's EViO HD v1.7 [ 2.2.1 l Desire HD l Battery Saver script ] -Calkulin
[10-22 ] Calkulin's EViO Z ROM v1.0 Beta [ Based on Desire Z 1.31.405.1 ] -Calkulin
9/21 CM-B2_Supersonic-XV a.k.a BLUe_B3@$T(SuperMOD) UPDATE#5 - MagnusRagnarok
Cookies N' Creme v.03 (9/23/10) | 100% Sense | Themed | DeoDexed | 3.29 Base - utb
CM7-GX4(EX+4G) | Updated 2-7-11 | New G's!!!! - MagnusRagnarok
Cricket-Zmod For Cricket Service Fully functional everything 12/11- ztahoez
CyanogenMod-6.1 for EVO :: V6.1.2 (12/30/2010) - Cyanogen
12/21 DamageControl v3.7 -damageless
[ACS] [4-30-11] Dark Cocoa 4 Drop Dead Red - 1975jamie
Desire HD port & MIUI port for EVO users! 9/23- IncredibleDoes
DESTROYER...ready to wreck your evos face!!!! - MagnusRagnarok
D2-THE RETURN a.k.a THE SEQUEL... - MagnusRagnarok
[9/13]Dude my roms suck... Round 3 IS AVAIL NOW - Yay 4 Juggs
10/07 echOS 0.9.5b with AOSP! (kinda) OC|FPS|UV - echoside
echoHD 1.3.9 "and or Ka-kow" 12/12 DesireHD|New Market|400+ mb storage - echoside
EMERALD 2.0.2 Froyo/AOSP.1/27/11 - Austen ****en
Eternal Prophecy[Version: 5.9][4/27/2011][Kernel: Netarchy 4.3.4 CFS SBC HAVS]- raiden89
EVO-NonSense(UPDATED 1/22-Gingerbread Elements,OTA 3.70.651.1 -tjohnsonjr
[01/22/10] EvoNeo, Less-Sense v4 [3.70.651.1] [3.70.651.1] - Neotelos_com
[ROM-AOSP][12-6-10] Evervolv-AOSP|FRG83/Android 2.2.1|v0.4.2b|Rotary Lockscreen! - Preludedrew
EVOlvedAndroid (3.30.651.2) [10/31/10] - EVOlvedAndroid
[5.3.2011]EVOlvedRom R1 "I PWN IPHONES" - EVOlvedAndroid
Kings Ultra FroYo UNleashed ROMS and MODS - eVoKINGS
GrApE APE FrOyO by:eVoKINGS mikFroYo 4.2 eng base 1/6/11 - eVoKINGS
eVoKINGS/DC13 LikWid-Kangster v11 1/5/11 - eVoKINGS
eVoKINGS Tangerine Elements v3.0 FINAL 12/21/10 - eVoKINGS
New eVoKINGS "LikWid eeeVo v10" 12/21 - eVoKINGS
eVoKINGS SeNsE AsSaSsIn v.13 "FINAL" 12/21/10 - eVoKINGS
12/25/10 - eVoKINGS v1.5 - VELOCITY (MikFroYo_MIX) - eVoKINGS
EvoMod By JD 12-4-10 - jakdillard
4.29.11-EVOZone-RIPTIDE-BLUE-RED-PURE - zone23
6.19.11- EVOZone - MikROMS - MiSfit Shift4G -VR Inspire 4G - CalkulinHD - zone23
EvoDoes_MyTouchHD.vTOO (Updated 11-02-10) - zone23
EVOlutionX2 7/7 - Avalaunchmods & toastcf
*New* [7.7.11][ODEX]EVOlvedROM Directors Cut RC1 "Bringing Sexy Back" - EVOlvedAndroid
[10/04/10]FrEak E FroYo v4...IS HERE!!! 3.3.29 - Yay 4 Juggs
12/21/10 | Fresh Evo | [Insert Witty Tagline] | New OTA Base - Flipzmode
Frost ROM v4.0 [1/19/11] "A gingersense experience" - barnacles10
[FroYo Fusion 2.5] [Android 2.2 | 8/18/10 [Sense and Senseless]- Fusion
grooveDROID v1.03 - based on SuperSonic_S_Sprint_WWE_3.30.651.3 [121010] - indagroove
Hero_Froyo v1.0 FRF83 Baked Dessert! Fast/Stable/Updated/Battery Saving @1.2ghz - Hero_Over
IncDoes Evo Sense "Desire HD" [v0.9] Oct/12th - IncredibleDoes
IncDoes LiquidE "It haz potential" [alpha] 10/17th - IncredibleDoes
INCredible EVOlved[10.16.10] - Joshhunt
New Incredible S (VIVO) [incredible-s-united] - myn
HTC EVO WiMAX (Japanese Supersonic) - Football
JD's Clean Sense MOD - jakdillard
JD_Mod_102310|3.29.651.5|a2sd|deodexed|100% stock| 10/23- jakdillard
[12.23.10] Jiminy V (for Cricket) - 100% EVO 3.70.651.1 - deathsled
joeykrim-SDX-original-5.1 Odex *Stock Rooted 3.70.651.1* Dec 15th 2010 - joeykrim
[10/24/10]***JT_ROM_Beta_2.0 or Light *** [Daily Driver][Custom Rosie Remaps!!!] -jdeloach
[10/23/10][*** JT_Rom's DesireZ EVO*** [BETA 1.1a or BETA 1.1b] - jdeloach
[v1.1] KiNgxKxEvolution 11/2 - kingklick
[[ACS] [4-24-11] King Cocoa II "True Blue" - 1975jamie
[ACS] KingsROM UNleashed R5 [4/28/11] "Out of this World”- eVokings
*Dead Link* [ACS] Kings UNleashed [ODEX] Z one (KUZ 3/31/11) "The NEW BREED" - eVokings
KommyDroid(dream)v.2 12/27/10 - 3.70.651.1 / Deodexed / Fast / Almost* Stock - kommydroid
Koni's ELITE Series III - (ES3 - 03/24/11) - The evolution of ELITE!!! - Konikub
"Liquid"bAdDroid 3.0 (12/17/10) - lexknight
LiquidRush Series Metal Edition 1.0b "Stable as Steel" [1/7/11] - bigrushdog
Longhorn FROYO 8/4-dodge_longhorn
Magnus Ragnarok's Finisher evolution Rom ported to Froyo for the Evo - MagnusRagnarok
/V\a$h_Up_Dr0iDs_\/\/aRm 2.2RLS 5 01/23/2011 Added 4 Column option download - mikebeam
MetroDroid v2.2, AOSP Web & MMS Script, CM7 RC2 - MetroPCS Edition - Bloodykiller86
[10/3/2010] MikFroyo v2.0 Beta 1 - New Theme –amikam
[12/9/2010] - MikFroYo v3.25 - [FRG83 | 3.30.651.3] - [4x5 | White Widgets] - amikam
[04/10/2011] - MikFroYo v4.61 -ReEngineered Sense - Odex+Mods+Themes - amikam
[[MikRoms] - [05/08/2011] - MikZ v1.16 - ReEngineered Sense 2.0 - ZzodexzZ - amikam
[KingsRom]Misfit's ALLOY 5/12/2011 - MiSfit211
(12/4) MIUI_EVO v0.12.3 n1 based - Bcnice20
Myn’s Warm TwoPointTwo - [RLS 5 - 01/07/2011] - More Than Meets The Eye! - Myn
[2-17-11]Nuggy's Unlimited Evo RLS2(Will Be Up In A Few) - nuggyunlimited
OmegaEVO v1.1 [[NEW 3.30.651.3 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] Updated 11/15/2010] - ricsim78
OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.6 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 3/29/11* -O.M.J
Apr.14.Plutonium.Froyo 2.2 finalizing - vin255764
May.17.Poison (Stock 2.2 base) - vin255764
02.02.11 | rainfreak's Senseless FroYo ROM v.1.1 | 3.70.651.1 OTA - rainfreak
[01/03/2010] - ReEngineered 3.70.651.1 - Updated with ENG Loc only base - aamikam
RefinedEVO 1.1 - 11/14/10 [A2SD] [MMS] [LOTS MORE] - barnacles10
[LEAK]RUU_Speedy_Sprint_WWE_1.17.651.1 - Football
RegawMOD 3 9/20-regaw_leinad
*9/25* s3vo 1.4 *Froyo 2.2 FRF91* *Sense* -kushdeck
11-3 sacs 1.0 (Based on RUU 3.30.651.2) -sac23
NEW UPDATE" SACS 1.6 (3.30.651.3) "new stufffff" updated -sac23
9/24 SENSELESS TOUCHWIZ ROM v2. For The EVO 4G (Epic 4G Theme Port with Touchwiz Home Screen) With many app and tweaks - puertoblack2003
Sexy Evo! Fixed- Joshhunt
[01/18/2011] Simplicity New Start - craigbaily1986
Sinister Rom [RLV5]-6/4/11|[Ginger Speed] Sense 2.1 (Speedy) - Sinistertensai
(5/22/11) SmoothnSexy V1.4.1, Gingerbread-ish looking Froyo/SENSE - idc2335
Somethings Rom 001a 8/1 laydros
02/25/11 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.70.651.1 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One -Chris1683
♠♠♠[SteelROM RevI.2]♠♠♠ UPDATED 12/24 v3.70.651.1 │Rooted│ DeOdexed - steelh
Stock Turbo *New 3.70.651.1 version* 12/20/2010 - ricsim78
superevo- no sense- themed- every day user *12-15-10* [fast] - jp4756
[12-21] SynergyROMv3.5 {3.70.651.1|4G Notification Menu Power Control} - jp4756
Tha Boss Rom V.4 - Froyo,Signed,Deodexed,BossMode,Scripts,Kernal -KyleCole90
Thunderbolt ROM ported to the EVO... - Calkukin
09/01/10] TMartinPPC Evolved 4G ROM [Deodex'd & Rooted]- Tmartin
t0ast3d de1ight FroYo 1.4(11-22-10) Custom look/fast/long lasting -hero's hero
VaelPak 3.0 [01/01/11] - NonSense - [SBC-NOHAVSv8] - 3.70.651.1 OTA - vaelek
VaelPak 3.2 RC1 [03/06/11] - NonSense - [Net 4.3.1] - 3.70.651.1 - vaelek
█ VirusROM AirBouRne Series™ █ ◄●|21 MAR.|RC6PB1|●► █ [Froyo]●[2.2]●[3.70.651.1] █ - XxXViRuSXxX
█ VirusROM AnthraX Series™ █ ◄●|07 NOV.|RC1|●► █ [Froyo]●[2.2]●[3.30.651.2] █ - XxXViRuSXxX
█ VirusROM BASE Series™ █ ◄●|07 NOV.|RC4.2 |●► █ [Froyo]●[2.2]●[3.30.651.2 OTA] █ - XxXViRuSXxX
║▌ ║▌││░ 02.15.11 ░ © ★ VirusROM InfectioN ★ ™ ░ RC1 ░ 3.29 ░ Senseless ░ █║▌ ║ - XxXViRuSXxX
║▌ ║▌││░ 03.02.11 ░ © ★ VirusROM InfectioN HD★ ™ ░ Beta ░ 3.29 ░ Sense ░ █║▌ ║ - XxXViRuSXxX
░ 04.13.11 ░ © ★ VirusROM Inspire4G ★ ™ ░ B2.1 ░ Inspire4G PORT █║▌││║║█║▌ ║▌││ - XxXViRuSXxX
█║▌│█│║║█║▌ ║▌││ROM ░ 01.16.11 ░ © ★ VirusROM REVOlution Z ★ ™ ░ RC2B6░ Z PORT - XxXViRuSXxX
░ ROM ░ 04.10.11 ░ © ★ VirusROM VRTOUCH ★ ™ ░ PB2 ░ Mytouch4G PORT █║▌│█│║║█║▌ ║▌││ - XxXViRuSXxX
The Ultimate Droid 2.1.0 - 40Glock
10/14/10 Uncommon_EVO-v.02 stable pngopt crazy-fast - bnice20
Uncommon Sense (v1.0) Release! - Joshhunt
Warm Z TwoPointTwo - [RLS 1 - 02/23/2011] - Yabba Dabba Doo - Myn
│4G│Rooted│Deodexed│Stock-Upgraded│3. 29.651.5│htc-kernel#17│HW<0003│- indagroove
xXBabiboi228Xx{Manila Carbon Fiber 2.2™}{RUU_3.70.651.1_Deodexed}v2.4/1-21-2011 - xXBabiboi228Xx
ZipEE-2.0-DesireHD (The Beginning) Alpha- Zippy-man

Go to post 2 and 3 for the oldies and misc stuff like kernels, prls etc

Thank you for all the tips guys (and gals )

Last edited by aman1127; 07-14-2011 at 03:35 PM. Reason: updates
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 11:21 PM
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Last edited by aman1127; 07-14-2011 at 03:33 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 11:21 PM
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oops, I have to find time to recover this list

Last edited by aman1127; 05-16-2011 at 12:32 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2010, 12:16 AM
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Re: All EVO Roms

Excellent job dude! Thanks for all the updates and ROM's all on one thread basically!

Great help.
Check me out: www.TheChip.com
"Observation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement on Supraquantum Structures By Induction through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal of Extremely Long Wavelength (ELW) Pulse from Mode-Locked Source Array." - from Half Life 1
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2010, 12:22 AM
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Re: All EVO Roms

Looks good, FYI the link to "RvU via android central" isn't working.
De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2010, 12:38 AM
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Re: All EVO Roms

NIce. Custom ROM CENTRAL !!!!

Originally Posted by CarlaDarla View Post
Looks good, FYI the link to "RvU via android central" isn't working.

Last edited by 510jungleboy; 06-11-2010 at 12:41 AM.
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Old 06-11-2010, 02:40 AM
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Re: All EVO Roms

Can't wait to ditch the Sense UI and go to the sexy Froyo 2.2 UI or even a stable 2.1 UI with all the features working. Is it just me or Sense UI is FUGLY?

What I want in my next TP3:
-At least 25% thinner, 1.5GHz Snapdragon, 4" -720p Cap. Screen (nothing bigger), 2GB of ROM, 1GB of RAM, Flash!, Better Camera, Even better keyboard (is that even possible?)
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Old 06-11-2010, 12:06 PM
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Re: All EVO Roms

Originally Posted by ejoshkim View Post
Can't wait to ditch the Sense UI and go to the sexy Froyo 2.2 UI or even a stable 2.1 UI with all the features working. Is it just me or Sense UI is FUGLY?

It's just you. I love Sense.
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Old 06-11-2010, 12:50 PM
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Re: All EVO Roms

Originally Posted by ejoshkim View Post
Can't wait to ditch the Sense UI and go to the sexy Froyo 2.2 UI or even a stable 2.1 UI with all the features working. Is it just me or Sense UI is FUGLY?

Used to be a time when just about everyone and literally their mother's wanted the flip clocks, Manila and HTC Sense cabs..

Even those with out HTC Sense download Beautiful Widgets on their Androids to get the "look"..

So, it's a thing of personal preference.

LG V10 LG-H901BK / LG G4 LG-H811LB (Stock) LG-F500L (QHSUSB__BULK Bricked) / Motorola Nexus 6 (rooted) / Sony Xperia Z3 (rooted)
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Old 06-11-2010, 12:54 PM
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Re: All EVO Roms

This is the first phone I'm going to leave stock for a while. New ROMS are awesome but so is this phone stock (minus a root and a few tweaks).
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