Hi guys,
I just purchased a Bell CDMA based HTC Diamond few days ago and I am having a heck of a time flashing a ROM into this device. After following the instructions carefully for Juicy 7, I managed to get it flashed but it was really unstable for me - frequent crashes. So I had to do frequent resets. After the last reset, the phone would not boot anymore. I tried both hard and soft reset without any progress.
After hard reset, I get the following:
- 4-color screen with the title "Security Unlocked"
- Texts on it says:
MicroP-Diam (LED)
- And at the bottom it says "Serial" but it changes to "usb" when I plug USB cable.
- I am unable to get past this screen.
After soft reset, I get the following:
- Black screen with "Touch DIAMOND" text
- Red text near the bottom with whole bunch of not so meaningful letters.
- I am unable to get past this screen.
In other words, I cannot get into WM at all. What happened to my phone? I'd appreciate some help!