*Almost* totally unresponsive Apache-- HELP!
I've flashed my Apache with various WM5 and WM6 ROMs over the past few years with very little problems, but this last time I was careless and I think I accidentally flashed it with a ROM from my old Harrier (6600). Now the phone is totally dead when the battery is in-- it doesn't go into bootloader mode; trying a soft or hard reset does absolutely nothing; plugging in to my PC does nothing. Even plugging it into the wall charger does nothing! I unplugged the battery for over an hour and put it back in, but I still see nothing on the screen no matter what I do!
I did just discover that if I remove the battery and plug it into the wall charger the red LED is on solid, and if I connect it to the PC with the battery out the LED flashes red, but the screen is totally blank. It is trying to tell me something, but what? How can I resurrect my Apache?
Last edited by mkofal.com; 04-16-2009 at 12:55 PM.