Chances of a apache wm6 style kitchen for the kaiser?
The kaiser, tytn2, or at&t tilt, is gaining a lot of popularity, if you go over to Xda-dev, you will see that cooked roms, are now cropping up for this unit.
I was wondering how hard/big of a project would it be to wrap the kaiser kitchen, so it was as easy to use/nifty as the one for the apache put together here. (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=14063) |
Cooking madness
There's one over at xda, and without going into all the details that are needed to accomplish from cooking a rom to prepping your kaiser for a rom , goto the wiki over at xda:
http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index...ame=HTC_Kaiser Start with How to Flash a Rom and go from there. I use _Alex_'s method, and it works great, though I had some trouble with packages cooking correctly, but he also provides the tools & instructions on how to make your own packages. Anyways, I've done a lot of reading about it, and still a noob to cooking, but I've had great success with it as of yet. |