Re: How is your 3G data speed compared to your old phone
well for reference.. what were your speeds like on the Evo3d? and what are your speeds like now?
IS the PRL you had on evo 3d the same as your et4g?
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Re: How is your 3G data speed compared to your old phone
well I'm comming from tp2, first day of the phone was today and was using 4g straight up and thing loaded like it would load on my home cpu with comcast. Very fast. but the battery gets drained so quick!
Re: How is your 3G data speed compared to your old phone
yes, wimax requires a 2nd radio..so when using you are effectively running 2 radios at once..
Re: How is your 3G data speed compared to your old phone
running 4g makes your phone use two radios at once but does it really need to suck all the battery life. My battery was at about 80% on 3g but once i connected to 4g 20minutes later it was already down to 50%
also why doesnt the phone turn off/disconnect the 3g radio when its connected with the 4g radio?
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Re: How is your 3G data speed compared to your old phone
yes, that is how it is and for a few reasons: 1) your running a fully separate chipset, cdma is built into the motherboard but wimax requires its own radio and its own amplifier, these waste more power. 2) Coverage is very spotty and signal tends to be weak, this uses more energy trying to maintain signal 3) Wimax uploading is not very energy efficient, this is fixed in wimax 2 but that is not what we have. -- As for turning off 3g, using 3g uses more power then 1x..by using 1x and 4g at the same time it is conserving power. Plus what is the point of having both 3g and 4g at the same time? The 1x is there for phonecalls..if they had voice over wimax then even 1x may not be needed. |
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