MotoBlur negativity??
I don't get what all the complaints claiming "Blur is awful" are all about.
I saw a post recently claiming the main reason the poster decided NOT to buy the DroidX was because it included Motoblur.
WTF am I missing here?? My X runs awesome & i fail to see what blur has to do with it really (or how my phone would be better without it).
I did not like the original appearance of the system (preferring the look of Sense in my old TouchPro 2), but after creating my own custom wallpaper, using "Fancy Widget" to recreate the flip clock/weather look, adding LauncherPro plus, Forte calendar, K9 Mail & Handcent SMS + using some custom widgets instead of what came in the phone I now like my current setup better than Sense in every way possible.
If none of the stuff was changeable in the stock setup, I would agree with the complaints but you really don't have to use anything that came with the phone if you don't want to??
Last edited by jmorton10; 10-09-2010 at 12:09 PM.