View Full Version : Phone Comparison
- iPhone 5 vs. Samsung S 4 ...
- device advice 2
- HTC Status vs. HTC Chacha
- 6 Android smartphones with long battery life
- Sprint Motorola Photon Q ?????
- LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category
- Samsung M320 has a BLANK SPC!
- upcoming Sprint LTE phones
- Question about foreign phones in US
- HTC Evo 3d vs Motorola Photon
- what phone do you currently own?
- Nokia C5-04 Cell
- PPC: the great android fragmentation debate! {VIDEO}
- my first review: comparison of the platforms...well sorta!
- New phones coming out this year on sprint?
- Upgrade from Treo755p
- which android verizon 4glte?
- tethering with verizon
- Hmm... The iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy S?
- Verizon tale of the tape. Rezound vs RAZR vs Galaxy Nexus
- WHAT IS BETTER? iPhone 4S or Droid Photon!?
- HTC EVO Design 4G
- Anyone looking at this beast?
- Thinking about moving on...
- Samsung Galaxy Note
- Looking for an ATT dual-core Android phone
- SPRINT: GS2 vs Nexus Prime
- LG Optimus One vs Samsung Galaxy Gio vs LG Optimus
- Phone list that do not require data plans?
- EVO 4g or EVO Shift?
- Photon or Evo?
- Anyone returning their EVO 3D for the Photon 4G?
- Which Verzon 4G LTE Android phone would you get?
- help me to understand processor's
- Question - Samsung Hercules vs SGS2
- In need of some opinions for a sprint smartphone
- Oh No! Is anyone with 3D going to Samsung S II ???
- SPRINT Motorola PHOTON 4G vs Samsung Within vs HTC Mazaa
- Used NE2 for iPhone 1 month update
- Went to EVO3d from TP2 and i miss my TP2
- Help me pick my next Sprint Phone
- Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4
- EVO 4G+ - This is the phone I WANT!
- Best World Phone
- Sprint TP2 to Verizon droid pro?
- Epic or Evo 3D
- Is switching to iPhone just because of battery a bad decision?
- What can the 3D do that the 4G can't? Besides 3D?
- Dear TP2... I don't love you anymore...
- What should I replace my Sprint TP2 with?
- time for something new
- help me choose a new phone...
- a few questions
- Evo or Epic
- Evo 4g/Evo 3D
- Samsung Epic 4G vs. HTC Arrive
- How Microsoft could have overtaken the Smarthphone market....
- Phones like touch diamond on Sprint Sero plans
- WP7 OS vs AndroiD OS for business uses
- Arrive vs. Evo Shift
- Sprint EVO 4G vs. Sprint Window 7
- Need new "business" phone.
- HTC Arrive (WP7) vs Touch Pro2 (Android) edit: now with VIDEO!
- Convince me NOT to buy an Evo
- LG Fathom, LG Ally or what?
- Help Me Decide On a new Platform
- Bout to jump ship to Android, someone stop me.
- HTC Evo 4G or iphone
- Finally bought an EVO...
- ok im back
- Is the iPhone 4 really the thinnest smartphone?
- Anyone thinking of switching to the VZW iPhone?
- iPhone OS vs Android
- Evo 4G and me!
- Epic 4G vs. Evo Shift 4G. Which is the phone to get? Why?
- Winmo rules, phone 7 bytes!
- Next Mobile OS?
- LG hype?
- no love for the epic
- Upgrading from Mogul - Need help deciding
- Optimus out performs EVO lmao
- help needed choosing my next phone on the bell network
- What phone should my old man get?
- HTC TP2 vs Moto Milestone
- [VOTE NOW] Evo 4G .vs. Nexus One
- What phone to get? (sprint)
- I can upgrade Dec 1st
- looking to purchase a tmobile tp2
- Looking for a used Android
- HTC Lexikon or HTC 7 Pro
- dont read it
- Should I get rid of the TP2?
- Choice between HTC Evo and Samsung Epic - Custom ROM fixes
- Goodbye my TP2.......
- Where to find the best price?
- Samsung Transform
- Touch Pro 2 Named The Best Phone Ever!!!!
- Evo vs galaxy s
- See the ppcgeeks news page?
- Cheapest Sprint w/Google Earth
- epic now #1 phone according to PC World
- Samsung Epic vs. HTC Evo: Non-Stock ROM and Development Community Comparison
- Best Deal on a Sprint Window Phone? Intrepid?
- EVO vs Epic.. Thinking of Evo, need opinions
- making the switch...need info on incred and DX
- HTC Evo 4G And Samsung Epic 4G Camera Comparison
- Confused! - Looking to Upgrade Sprint Phone.
- Sprint Samsung Epic 4G And HTC Touch Pro 2 Keyboard Comparison
- Best Verizon Android device
- Goodbye Touch Pro, HELLO HTC EVO 4G!
- Dropped Epic - Went to TP2
- Farewell TP forum... Epic pastures
- MetroPCS Suggestions
- thinking about upgrading.... opinions/comparisons
- Looking for a good Sprint Android device. Suggestions?
- hero???
- Hero vs. G1
- Quadrant Benchmark test, HTC HD2 running Android
- Need opinions: HTC Diamond vs. HTC Touch Pro 2
- Sprints EVO 4G and EPIC 4G Comparison
- Suggest Android (Sprint) Non Evo
- My first impression of the EVO (not activated using WIFI) coming from the TP2
- Phone with minimal requirement
- Went from EVO to hero...
- Phone Stolen :( Help between 2 phones
- Super amoled screens not very sharp? Don't want on EVO.
- Upgrade or wait?
- Samsung Epic vs TP2
- The ranking ove top notch phones
- HTC Aria Vs. LG eXpo
- SuperPhone
- comparing htc touch pro processor to EVO
- Prize fight Iphone 4 vs htc EVO
- Moving on from TP to Android - deciding on Droid X vs. Incredible
- Consumer Reports compares iPhone 4, Evo, Droids, etc..., with Chart!
- Any regrets?
- Switching from TP2 to EVO
- New phone for Verizon
- Friends Iphone 4 speedtest
- EVO vs Hero main difference?
- What is an i9?
- 6800 vs Samsung I760
- Pros and Cons: Droid X & HTC Incredible
- Comparison of Snapdragon and Hummingbird Processors
- Iphone really is the best phone
- *NSFW* you got to see this lol
- LMFAO - iphone showdown
- Another reason why TP2 better than iPhone: keyboard
- Goodbye WinMo
- Evo vs Incredible vs Iphone 4 (all hands on Review and compairison)
- Epic VS EVO
- personal story of "suck it, iphone"
- whats the Best Windows Based Phone
- Evo vs IPhone 4 (lil story)
- EVO 4G beats iPhone 4 in browser speedtest & more
- HD2 vs Android on TMO
- Advice on which Android OS phone to get!
- I need your help
- My conundrum
- droid x upgrade
- Iphone 4 Comparisons
- Great Summer Phone Wars
- Htc evo 4g vs iphone 4 video
- Samsung Galaxy S Display vs. Iphone 4 Display
- Good read on how the media feed lies to the public...................
- Evo vs. Iphoner = Htc fail.
- Back to TP2 for now (selling EVO 4g)
- Droid x
- SPRINT TP2 with Sero over EVO (personal experience)
- Goodbye evo
- 3 weeks and I am GONE!!!!!!
- How many switced from TP2 for EVO?
- Tp 1# Vs Htc Incredible
- EVO clone from Verizon?
- to evo or not to evo?
- Sprint CFO: HTC EVO can take on iPhone 4 **Good Read**
- Vogue VS TP2
- Hero vs EVO advice pls
- I'll ditch my TP2 for the Evo IF we can port WP7!
- Is the Evo better than the IPhone?
- see ya
- Goodbye MightyRom & TP2...
- **Please vote**Are your switch to EVO or staying with TP2?
- Samsung Omnia 2, or HTC Incredible?
- EVO not WORTH the switch
- What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?
- Evo, Blackberry 9650, stick w/ HTC TP2, or...???
- EVO v. TP2 specs/feature comparison
- Samsung Omnia 2 or Samsung Wave
- Need some unbiased responses on Evo 4G and next phone!
- OS????
- Evo 4G Vs. Incredible video quality
- Evo 4G vs Palm Pre
- HTC TP2 versus Android?
- Anyone somewhat regretting the TP2 after seeing the HTC Evo 4G?
- Replacing TP2 with either an EVO or Moment. Opinions? Advice?
- I Hate Winmo For these reasons.
- HTC TP2 vs Samsung Moment vs HTC EVO
- My TP2 sucks
- My personal opinion: Droid vs. Incredible
- Incredible instead of Evo
- If you were on Sprint and needed a new phone
- help ? want new phone! torrent applications on bberry or android?
- HTC EVO 4G, HTC Incredible Droid, HTC HD2
- Need your advice for a business if you could please.
- Went from Diamond ...To Nexus one...Back to Dimaond..should I go HD2?
- droid or nexus one?
- Who would buy a WM6.5/Droid2.1 phone with EVO specs + Keyboard?
- HTC incredible vs N1
- Motorola Droid Vs Htc Verizon Touch Pro
- Is the pre good enough to move from a SERO plan for?
- treo pro vs intrepid
- New new new
- Dump TP2 for Nexus One or HD2?
- hero / moment or touch pro2? which should i buy?
- HTC Hero or Nexus One or HTC HD2?
- Buying a phone for a friend (and possibly myself as well), need suggestions
- New Phone Suggestions
- What will your next phone be?
- help on choosing my next phone please
- choise of TP 2, Hero, Moment or Pre which to choose?
- VZW WinMo: Imagio v. Omnia II for business
- help for new device price amd performance in INDIA:::
- Htc Touch Pro2 vs. Palm Pre
- Photon: A worthy successor to the Vogue?
- Unlock code for SCH-R450?
- Touch pro or 8330 blackberry
- Android or iPhone?
- Why is TP2 better than iphone
- Omnia II vs. Imagio
- Samsung Intrepid v. Treo Pro
- Imagio or omnia 2
- New Phone Time! Help Me Decide!
- In a heated dicussion about why the iphone sucks need help
- TP2 VS LG eXpo/IQ
- HTC HD2 or Touch Pro 2?
- Best 'cheap' Sprint flip phone?
- best gsm phone
- android vs pro2?
- Triangle Must Die!
- Eris vs Omnia II
- Pixi vs Moment
- TP2 vs. Moment
- Eris vs Imagio
- From TP2 to Droid back to TP2
- Touch pro 2 Vs Touch pro
- Touch Pro 2 vs Droid Eris
- HTC TP2 VS Samsung Moment
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