- Problems Rooting SPH-L520 with Kies/Kingo
- Cant find roms
- dropbox alternative
- Samsung Galaxy Class Action Suit
- Samsung Galaxy 3S (Boost)
- Phone rings during call when text or sms message is received..??
- galaxy s relay.. anything cooking up for this?
- samsung s 4g t-mobile
- i9001 problem
- After Galaxy Ace update fail a computer - yellow triangle - phone icon appears
- HTC on a Samsung Android
- Samsung Galaxy Note work on Sprint?
- forgot passcode need to clear phone
- Samsung SGH- I896
- Galaxy Prevail Boost Bogging down ???
- SGS2 wallpaper
- Galaxy Note
- samsung SCH-R910 unlock GSM
- pre order epic touch 4g 119$ now
- galaxy S 2 199$ 9/16 (epic touch)
- Rooting SGS2 to Windows Mango
- Swype on SGS2?
- Epic 4g or SGS2 with a keyboard coming to verizon!?!??!
- Samsung Infuse visual voicemail
- Arrow [RELEASE] One-Click UnBrick updated 5july11
- Quick Question on 4G
- SGS 2 Superb build quality
- SGS2 camera hack makes it super awesome!
- Samsung Galaxy Indulge or Craft 4G for Metro PCS?
- Samsung Within release date on Sprint/ Samsung Galaxy SII release date on Sprint?
- Samsung Function release date on Verizon/ Samsung Galaxy SII release date on Verizon?
- HELP Not recieving text messages anymore
- [Theme] smoother then silk v.2
- Galaxy S gets Gingerbread!
- Galaxy S 2!!!
- Focus Vs Android?
- Contacts - Change Order (last first) & Links
- Samsun Vibrant will get froyo tomorrow
- Facebook Sync Experiencing Problems Error
- Why the F isn't 2.3 available 4 Galaxy since it launched on Samsung Nexus S already?
- i need help new with my galaxy s
- Samsung pulls FROYO update from Canadian Glalxy S model...
- Samsung Galaxy S drenched in white
- front Facing camera on Samsung mesmerize DISABLED on us ccellular !
- US cellular Mesmerize Thethering+
- Cellular Sount Branded Galaxy S on Sprint
- Galaxy Tab Section!!!!!!
- CyaganMod Beta for i9000 + Vibrant!!!! [Update1]
- Say it aint so
- Rogers Captivate i896 Upload speeds and unlocking
- Galaxy S News! Sales + cool stuff
- Wifi Direct
- [q]new yahoo! pack (sprint id exclusive)
- gmail
- [DEV] Sense Port to All Galaxy S Devices
- StudentRate is Giving Aay a Samsung Vibrant
- Galaxy S Overclocked to 1.6ghz and fps cap removed..eats benchmarks for breakfast
- Phone calls routed to Bluetooth while 3.5mm jack in use
- Internet sharing
- dvd to mp4 help
- Base band version and hardware version says unknown
- can people please post home screens?
- does wifi waste or what?
- Samsung Galaxy S Android 2.2 Upgrade
- Verizon Fascinate GPS Inaccurate?
- Source for Android 2.2 Froyo I9000XXJPM released
- Epic 4g Declared #1 android phone by Cnet (vid)
- how do i save pics from mms to phone??
- Samsung Galaxy network problems
- Sprint Galaxy Tab Release date and Priced
- Any App for recording a call that works on these phones?
- Galaxy S selling better the hotcakes 5million+ worldwide..2million in the US
- New Epic user. Many questions
- *NSFW* Post Your Home Screens
- Is anyone else having bluetooth connectivity issues?
- Android_Secret_Code String Revealed!
- Is the Sprint 'Transform' a Samsung Epic 4G w/o keyboard and maybe w/o 4G?
- set CPU and watchdog actually slowed my phone down?
- minimize keyboard
- Why do I need a lock screen??? Am I missing something?
- To Do List app
- I need someones voicemail apk from the fascinate
- Swype Issues
- Car charger
- Language Support on Froyo 2.2 Update?
- Galaxy Tab AND Galaxy S
- saving mms pictures
- Wifi Only Galaxy Tab (I know someone asked for this)
- PIM.vol convertion to CSV or vcard file
- Android on Samsung Gravity T?
- App Seven Mail....Push Email for Android
- Help me like this phone
- International Froyo Sept 23rd?
- Samsung Kies (PC Sync)
- samsung widgets
- New Forum Structure
- MKV subtitles now possible
- Vote for the Galaxy S
- a little help toward your sprint bill
- Android 2.1 Arabic Support?
- SGS looks like a Sony Xperia
- Any of your developing for the Epic?
- Video player wont play audio higher than 2 channel
- Seido Removes Rugged Protective Case
- syncing facebook has blurry pictures
- Alert during charging ?
- verizon nfl apk will work on the epic 4g for now
- 4g being weird..>.>
- Galaxy Tab getting Gingerbread
- Android short cuts!
- Issue with threaded text messaging format
- What a deal...
- help!!! i lost my home pages!
- apps and ATK....
- [> Daily Deals <] Accessories...
- Samsung Fascinate live wallpapers leaked, available for download
- Samsong galaxy s bought in Korea can i use in US
- Samsung Vibrant - Trying to get rid of Preloaded Apps and Ringtones
- How do you do this DLNA stuff?
- Audio out of only headphones?
- Change battery icon to one with %
- ***OFFICIAL*** Samsung Galaxy S Group - Join NOW!!!
- I absolutely LOVE this Phone!
- Email not auto checking?
- is there a fast charge hack available
- Touch screen issues??
- forward a received text to others....
- Got my Epic but eh
- Sync phone to PC Problems
- What are the chances of me being able to switch back to sero Oct 1st
- How do you "keep" the backlight lit with Gmaps/Spirnt Navigaion
- Qik issue and Handcent question
- Epic 4g - Invishied and Protection
- saved to device or to phone???
- MicroUSB... and so it begins...
- disable mobile view?
- Just rooted, now what?
- Divx but conditional Divx
- so far epic gps sucks.
- Touch Wizv3
- will my paid apps show up again?
- Is there an Android Stand-Alone Equalizer?
- epic RAM question....
- Three Questions
- Official Galaxy Series Review Thread
- Epic 4G now on Sprint's website
- First Impressions of the Epic: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly?
- epic is now live at sprint.com and bestbuy.com !!!!!!!!
- Best Buy called me...
- Samsung Vibrant Owners?
- [Q] Sprint off contract ...
- nobody camping out tonight?!?
- CDMA Galaxy Tab
- 1 Million Galaxy S Phones shipped in the US so far
- Buying a Samsung Epic 4G on eBay: Safe or not safe?
- How long for Froyo
- Check your Sprint store for your epic
- Verizon Fascinate September?
- duplicagtge thread from xda...how u holding up til the 31st???
- Sprint Epic 4g Owners Manual
- Loving The Epic 4G
- Just curious about some specs?
- epic 4g hits ebay!
- [REF] How to unlock all Samsung Galaxy S Models (Now with UnFreeze Code)
- app to see when text was received or read for the epic/android phones???
- Samsung Epic $199.99 at Amazon
- Tap to Talk
- Pre-ordered my epic today!
- Touchwiz 3.0 functions on the Epic 4G
- So.. when can we expect the Galaxy S to make it in the quick links?
- Stock AOSP on Galaxy S
- Custom Roms?
- A Few Questions
- Ubuntu On Galaxy S
- Play with an Epic
- Epic has GPS issue fixed out of box?
- sprint no longer taking EPIC reservations...up next? WAIT LIST!
- Phonedog unboxing video
- Can we look at the TP2 for accessories for the EPIC?
- Some Random Galaxy S stuff..
- Samsung Galaxy S (GT-I9000)
- Epic 4g review at Cnet. Nicole Lee's HORRIBLE english with thick accent MUST GO!
- Engadget Epic 4g Review + Gizmodo, Slashgear, Laptopmag, Cnet Review
- Epic 4g Accessories + Prices
- Epic- need advice
- Other places to buy the Epic - no mail-in rebate
- Sprint Taking Reservations Now For 31st
- Sprint Epic Fail Game
- Now Official Epic 4G Release Date: 8/31 Price $250
- Galaxy S Accessories
- the date i got for the epic phone
- Which is it?
- Official Sprint Epic 4g Community Live
- Epic 4g Sweepstake from sprint
- UI
- new epic pics & video
- Epic availability
- Epic 4g Pre-order tomorrow?
- Vibrant Tether Without Root
- Giveaway for a Epic 4g/Fascinate/Vibrant/Captivate
- Sprint Epic 4g- Sprint Ad On-line
- Froyo World Release on July 28th?
- Obnoxious browser issue "Problem with file"
- Sprint Epic 4G Release Speculation
- Poor battery life Samsung Captivate
- Captivate reception problem?
- Galaxy S Wiki! (Includes fixes for common problems and more..)
- AT&T Captivate FREE with contract/renewal from walmart!!
- AT&T Captivate Now Available!
- Finally Some Benchmarks!!!
- T-Mobile Vibrant is Available (awaiting your reviews)
- Samsung Captivate (AT&T) Video Review
- Galaxy S has the ultimate phone App EVER!!!
- Samsung Galaxy S sells 1 million devices worldwide
- Any news on bootloader??
- The cost of upgrading to the EPIC for me
- Whats you gonna do with the EPIC or EVo
- S Pro Design
- Froyo Update may come sooner then we thought
- T-Mobile Vibrant Up For Pre-Order at Radio Shack and get 50$ Gift Card or Wirefly
- Galaxy S are now in AT&T/T-Mobile Retail stores for training/stealing purposes
- I've been holding out..
- Battery life
- Samsung Galaxy S sells 200k units in south korea in 10 days
- Benefits of Epic 4g being rooted
- Seems like our forum is finally getting some love
- A few Galaxy related questions
- Galaxy S2 Rumor (lol)
- Video out
- Galaxy S video hands on
- Galaxy S Video Capabilities
- Best Looking Galaxy S Poll
- Samsung Galaxy S will receive official Froyo(2.2) upgrade!
- Super AMOLED Screen
- Samsung Galaxy S rooted
- Samsung Captivate Engadget Review+Video(Galaxy S - AT&T)
- Super AMOLED in direct sunlight
- Galaxy S Pro Spec Leaked
- Rumors of Release Dates
- Samsung Galaxy S Pro