Galaxy Prevail Boost Bogging down ???
I have a galaxy prevail (donor phone won;t say no more) anyway I am playing with it and I have to say
VERY VERY impressed. its not "Great" in anyway (no led even for charging no flash no macro small screen low power)
but overall EXTREMELY impressive device for the price ($100 on craigslist)
I mean for the most part it DOES everything and does it half way decently.
One problem. every now and then (several times today) it would BOG DOWN. I mean so badly I could not "do" anything and would have to pull the battery.
I thought maybe it was low memory. so I installed autokiller to check on this. NO. took 4-5 MINUTES to actually get the program to open (when it bogged on me) but no ram was still 146 !!!
so it must be a CPU BOG. ie "something" is slapping the CPU silly and not letting go.
NOW I installed two widgets today. battery circle thing and fancy widgets (2x1 weather)
I removed them no problem (it seems) add them and Problem again.
Assuming it has anything at all to do with the widgets (I could not "make" it happen before) it seems to have topped happening when I got rid of the fancy widget 2x1 weather.
but it (that same widget) causes NO problems at all on my touch pro 2 running android or my evo.
any ideas? what could cause this? any way to figure out "WHAT" is causing it ?