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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2009, 01:51 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

8-13-09 New Release!
Here is my latest task bar. What you are getting is a sneak peak of my soon to be released GadgetROM. This VGA, CDMA only for now. I'll get around to a GSM version as soon as I have the time. Let me know what you think! Thanks to Riley05 and Rusty Duck for some preliminary testing. And thanks to Bilbobrian at XDA for the battery layout, and Tsowen for the icon base.

5-9-09 Update:
Here is the conversion of my Round Taskbar theme to WM 6.5. Just Download and install the attached cab. After you've installed SDKCerts, of course...

Note, If you are using the Topaz Notification Enhancements, you can install that cab to get a skinned Notifications manager.

One thing to note, I am in all likelihood abandoning skinning the HTC Large Title bar due to all of the distortion issues, etc. Since I am runing Rhodium TF3D and WM 6.5 now, I am just going to concentrate on those features that are still actively being deployed by MS and HTC. It seems the LTB is going to go away soon...

6-9-09 Update:

Here is a preview of what I'll be posting in the next couple weeks. Right now, this is exclusively available in Drybonz' Bear-Bonz ROM for the Sprint Diamond.

6-10-09 UPDATE:

Due to Drybonz ending development of his Bear-Bonz ROM, I am going ahead and releasing the custom taskbar early. For right now, this is CDMA only, and is geared to someone running Rhodium since it has the dll and icons for the new Notifications Manager included. It won't hurt your phone if you aren't running Rhodium, but it will eat up some space...

I am working on the GSM icons now and hope to have something done by the end of the weekend. The current battery is by Misfortune for his TB v2 and is included and modded with his permission. I am actually looking at changing the battery, too, so, ahem, bear with me on that... .

Also, as usual, all the usual provisions apply: Back-up your device, install the SDK Certs cab, make sure you have the nuepower drivers installed (or the battery will not display properly...) etc, etc...

If you are a ROM chef and wish to use any of my taskbars in your ROM, just please PM me and let me know.

6-14-09 UPDATE:

Thanks to Indagroove, the Bear-Bonz Custom taskbar will now work with GrooveROM and Mighty Mike's ROMs. This version includes the revA icon and a few other tweaks.

I have also finished and uploaded the GSM version of the Bear-Bonz Taskbar as well! Enjoy!

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Last edited by gadgetfreak; 08-13-2009 at 05:10 PM.
This post has been thanked 137 times.

  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Mobile Hacks/Tweaks > Pocket PC Themes > WM6.5.x PPC Themes

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