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Old 07-10-2009, 01:27 PM
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Cool Anti Creeper

Original Post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=528679

This App is in development by the maker of Phone Creeper in response to help people prevent spying.

Once this app is posted I will update the post and recommend everyone put this on your rom and phone to ensure privacy just incase.

This project will start being developed over the next few weeks in response to the various fears and worries that have come out over Phone Creeper. 
I did promise to do my part in alleviating worries.
All source code will be provided with this program so people see how it works, how it will help and disseminate mistrust.
Anyone who is wishing to help in creation is more than welcome and any ideas on new techniques of stopping invasive programs are also welcome.

The first steps of this program will be to search for the following symptoms:

* SMS Interception: By searching for messages that arrive on the the phone, yet never make it to the inbox.
* Bounce Detection of SMS: by searching for quick duplication of incoming and outgoing message parts.
* Bounce Detection of calls: by searching for outgoing calls placed to a phone number was very recently listed inside an SMS transmission.
* Hidden Startup: search for startup entries with the "hidden" attribute enabled.
* Auto Boot apps: search for auto-install storage cards such as " \storage folder\2577"

AppToDate will be used receiving application updates as time goes on.

It will probably be at least a week or two before any code goes up, as I need a little rest from programming for a little while before I get too manic.
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