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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-21-2009, 09:21 PM
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Bike Dashboard (training App) Updated v.95 (5-2-09)


Developer: Mathieu Gardere
Web Site: http://bikedashboard.mathieugardere.com/

2009-05-02 - v0.95 Released!

This version brings amazing enhancements to your PDA application (to see them in details, follow this link).
First of all, a new user interface. It was clearly to tricky to change pages while riding a bike. Standard tabs, dialog boxes and other form controls clearly aren't designed to be used without a stylus... so I designed my own finger usable controls.
I called it the FatFingaz User Interface (it is not a registered trademark... yet). If you are a developer and you want to re-use it in your own programs, just drop me a line.
Another new thing is the possibility to use a Bluetooth HeartRate Monitor! It is currently limited to one device (the one I purchased, eh): Zephyr HxM. You can see the current heartrate on your dash screen and it is also visible as a graph on the desktop software when data is present in your GPX file (it is automatically recorded if you have a heartrate monitor).
To see how it works, you can go to the documentation.
Last but not least, measures can now be expressed in Imperial Units. It is completely operational on the PDA and now needs to be done on the Desktop app (in v0.96, I guess).
To change this setting, you just need to go to the settings screen.


This application provides training assistance (through graphs and stats) + navigation help (with moving maps and GPX file import & export) for mountainbike and roadbike enthusiasts.

BikeDashboard Features:

* Keep a track of their achievements:
o Where they have been.
o How long.
o How fast.
o How high
* Have a navigation help using GPX file to discover new tracks (you can download some from various web sites including excellent ones as www.bikely.com or www.bikeradar.com or else www.nobmob.com).
* Export their data to Google Maps / Google Earth or other mapping softwares.
* Monitor in real time and afterwards the evolution of their performances.
* Have a moving map software that can work with any raster map (calibration software provided to make your own map with any .
* Have instant data (current/average/max speed), current/climb/descent altitude.

This application comes with its Windows Desktop to companion to analyze and store your performances, calibrate your raster maps and manage your files library.


Map Screen

The map screen draws your route. You can plot it over a predefined background. If you don't specify any it will show on a blank background.

You can also display a planned route to make sure you follow it. This is especially convenient when you explore new routes using a downloaded GPX file.

Main Dash

The dash board displays:

* your current direction,
* your current speed (in red if it is the max speed, green if it is above your average, in black otherwise),
* max speed,
* average speed,
* current altitude,
* altitude difference with the point you started from,
* total climb,
* total descent,
* GPS reception,
* distance,
* time (current and travel time).

You can reset cumulative data at any time pressing the reset button.

Graph screen

The graph screen displays recorded speed and altitude on auto refreshing graph. You can also use them do display recorded performances.

02/05 - v0.95 released
o FatFingaz User Interface - Menus and dialog boxes have been reworked with a custom user interface that will deal with the fat fingers issue. Menu with large buttons are displayed instead of the standard bottom screen menu and small dialog boxes. The tabs have also been replaced with large pictures making the use of your PDA stylus unnecessary.
o Imperial units - The settings screen now lets you display all distance, speed and altitude related details using imperial units (mi, mph, ft).
o Heart Rate Monitor - Zephyr Technology HxM-HRM - Along GPS related details (speed, distance, altitude, direction), you can now display and record your heart rate. BikeDashboard has been interfaced with Zephyr Technology Bluetooth Heartrate monitors: HxM and HRM.
o Darker Style - I have started designing the screen for them to look a bit better. They now all have gray / black backgrounds... simply because it is more usable out in the field.
o Empty routes are no longer saved - With the new autosave feature introduced in 0.94, each time you started the application a new route was created and therefore saved, no matter if got any position. If you happened to start the application several time, you ended up with loads of such files. It will no longer happen as now nothing is saved until you get actual positions.
o Name your routes - You can now give a name to your routes instead of the default one (yyyyMMdd HHmm.gpx).

To get all details about previous release go to http://bikedashboard.mathieugardere.com 28/04 - v0.94 released
22/04 - v0.93 released


Latest version (0.95)

Full Package
PDA Application
Desktop Application

~My Ultimate WVGA Wallpapers Collection~
Donations accepted not expected!

Last edited by santod; 05-02-2009 at 03:52 AM. Reason: updated version
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2009, 07:45 AM
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Re: Bike Dashboard (training App)

Wish it worked on my TP Pro.

Originally Posted by santod View Post
BikeDashboard Description


This application provides training assistance (through graphs and stats) + navigation help (with moving maps and GPX file import & export) for mountainbike and roadbike enthusiasts.

BikeDashboard Features:

* Keep a track of their achievements:
o Where they have been.
o How long.
o How fast.
o How high
* Have a navigation help using GPX file to discover new tracks (you can download some from various web sites including excellent ones as www.bikely.com or www.bikeradar.com or else www.nobmob.com).
* Export their data to Google Maps / Google Earth or other mapping softwares.
* Monitor in real time and afterwards the evolution of their performances.
* Have a moving map software that can work with any raster map (calibration software provided to make your own map with any .
* Have instant data (current/average/max speed), current/climb/descent altitude.

You need a GPS enabled Windows Mobile device.


Map Screen

The map screen draws your route. You can plot it over a predefined background. If you don't specify any it will show on a blank background.

You can also display a planned route to make sure you follow it. This is especially convenient when you explore new routes using a downloaded GPX file.

Main Dash

The dash board displays:

* your current direction,
* your current speed (in red if it is the max speed, green if it is above your average, in black otherwise),
* max speed,
* average speed,
* current altitude,
* altitude difference with the point you started from,
* total climb,
* total descent,
* GPS reception,
* distance,
* time (current and travel time).

You can reset cumulative data at any time pressing the reset button.

Graph screen

The graph screen displays recorded speed and altitude on auto refreshing graph. You can also use them do display recorded performances.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2009, 11:36 AM
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Re: Bike Dashboard (training App)

cool, i'll give this a try on my next ride...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 01:32 AM
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Re: Bike Dashboard (training App)

Originally Posted by dlbrummels View Post
Wish it worked on my TP Pro.
I emailed the developer about the screens not appearing correctly on my Touch Pro.

This is what he emailed back to me-

Hi Keir,

First let me thank you for your email.
I indeed developed and tested this program on my XDA Orbit2 which has a QVGA screen.
Can you please send me a screenshot of what you get on the dash screen?

I will try to release a new version later this week adressing this issue.
I should be able to reproduce this issue running it on an emulator with VGA configuration.
I will let you know when it is available.

Kind Regards,

He then emailed me back today to tell me of an updated release, version 0.93

BikeDashboard v0.93

Hi all,

I am currently releasing a new version of both Windows Mobile and
Desktop softwares.

BikeDashboard becomes VGA compatible
I am pleased to announce that this version is compatible with VGA
devices (HTC Touch Diamond for instance)!

Also, the desktop application lets you create training file: basically
you choose a target type among several types (say average speed, for
instance) then you enter a value (30 km/h, for instance) and you click
the add button to add it.
Once you have combined the different target for your training and set
the desired value, you just need to click save to get TRN file. Copy
this file on your Pocket PC. There, when you launch the PDA
application, you can open this file (main menu / open training). As
soon as your route/trace will have started, those targets will get
updated in real time (training tab) showing which ones have been
achieved and which ones still need to be completed.

The settings form on the PDA has been slightly rearranged and the
settings are now automatically saved upon change.
A new "connect on startup" option has also been added thus making it
unnecessary to connect to the GPS each time you start the application.
As part of the new settings, you can also indicate what color you want
for planned and actual route.

On the map you can now see where you are heading.
A small symbol now indicates your direction.

If the application crashed, it should now generate a file called
'BikeDashboard_Crash.txt' on the root of your PDA.

This new version is available on http://bikedashboard.mathieugardere.com

Enjoy and thanks for your support.
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I tried the new version on my Touch Pro, and it works GREAT!

I attached the cab file for your phone, and the zip file that contains both the cab file and the Bike Dashboard desktop application


P.S. Don't forget to hit the "Thanks" button
Attached Files
File Type: cab BikeDashboardv93.CAB (359.6 KB, 16 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip Desktop_App_and_v93_Cab_File.zip (6.80 MB, 32 views) Click for barcode!
"Falling down doesn't make you a failure.....staying down does"

Last edited by Keir333; 04-24-2009 at 12:24 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2009, 01:01 AM
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Re: Bike Dashboard (training App)

Version 0.94 is now available.

Here is a list of the new features:
PDA - Race Mode

When opening a previously recorded GPX trace, it is now possible to
race against it with a direct visualization on the map (see
documentation for more details).
Very challenging!

PDA - Update Frequency

It is now possible to set the update frequency down to 1 second and to
adjust by steps of 1 second.

PDA - Routes are automatically saved

Routes are now automatically saved upon:
* counter reset (with confirmation)
* application exit
* GPS disconnection
* every 2 minutes
A new route is created when:
* counters are reset
* GPS is connected
* PDA - Altitude

Altitude does no longer vary when ground speed is 0.

Desktop - Files Library

A new tab has been added to enable files management.
See details in the documentation

Desktop - File Synchronization

Files are automatically synchronized between the PDA and the Desktop

Desktop - New Graph

A new graph has been added (road steepness)

This new version is available on http://bikedashboard.mathieugardere.com

Enjoy and thanks for your support. Your feedback is very very very
I've attached a zip file with both the desktop application and the cab file, as well as just the cab file.


P.S. Don't forget to hit the "Thanks" button
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2009, 03:53 AM
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Re: Bike Dashboard (training App) Updated v.95 (5-2-09)

New version released, first post updated with new file downloads.

2009-05-02 - v0.95 Released!

This version brings amazing enhancements to your PDA application (to see them in details, follow this link).
First of all, a new user interface. It was clearly to tricky to change pages while riding a bike. Standard tabs, dialog boxes and other form controls clearly aren't designed to be used without a stylus... so I designed my own finger usable controls.
I called it the FatFingaz User Interface (it is not a registered trademark... yet). If you are a developer and you want to re-use it in your own programs, just drop me a line.
Another new thing is the possibility to use a Bluetooth HeartRate Monitor! It is currently limited to one device (the one I purchased, eh): Zephyr HxM. You can see the current heartrate on your dash screen and it is also visible as a graph on the desktop software when data is present in your GPX file (it is automatically recorded if you have a heartrate monitor).
To see how it works, you can go to the documentation.
Last but not least, measures can now be expressed in Imperial Units. It is completely operational on the PDA and now needs to be done on the Desktop app (in v0.96, I guess).
To change this setting, you just need to go to the settings screen.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2009, 06:39 AM
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Re: Bike Dashboard (training App) Updated v.95 (5-2-09)

Originally Posted by santod View Post
New version released, first post updated with new file downloads.

2009-05-02 - v0.95 Released!

This version brings amazing enhancements to your PDA application (to see them in details, follow this link).
First of all, a new user interface. It was clearly to tricky to change pages while riding a bike. Standard tabs, dialog boxes and other form controls clearly aren't designed to be used without a stylus... so I designed my own finger usable controls.
I called it the FatFingaz User Interface (it is not a registered trademark... yet). If you are a developer and you want to re-use it in your own programs, just drop me a line.
Another new thing is the possibility to use a Bluetooth HeartRate Monitor! It is currently limited to one device (the one I purchased, eh): Zephyr HxM. You can see the current heartrate on your dash screen and it is also visible as a graph on the desktop software when data is present in your GPX file (it is automatically recorded if you have a heartrate monitor).
To see how it works, you can go to the documentation.
Last but not least, measures can now be expressed in Imperial Units. It is completely operational on the PDA and now needs to be done on the Desktop app (in v0.96, I guess).
To change this setting, you just need to go to the settings screen.
Here's the cab file, and the full package(desktop app and cab file) for version 0.95

Attached Files
File Type: cab BikeDashboardMobileCab 0.95.CAB (425.3 KB, 11 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip FullPackage_v0.95.zip (7.97 MB, 10 views) Click for barcode!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2009, 06:48 AM
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Re: Bike Dashboard (training App) Updated v.95 (5-2-09)

Thanks Keir, but they have already been added to the original post in this thread. I guess it never hurts to have multiple links.
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Old 12-23-2009, 09:21 PM
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Re: Bike Dashboard (training App) Updated v.95 (5-2-09)

Just found this app and wanted to give it a try. The only problem I'm having is installing a map on it. I read it uses a raster map, but googled it and many links sujest using Garmin Mapsource. I've tried that and placed the file in the maps folder, but don't see them to select them. Any suggestions?
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Old 12-23-2009, 09:23 PM
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Re: Bike Dashboard (training App) Updated v.95 (5-2-09)

Oh, since this thread is probably only read by cyclists, anyone have a good way to mount the phone to the bike?
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